info Overview
Name - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s full name?

Ophelia Cadenza

Role - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Ophelia Cadenza ?


Gender - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Ophelia Cadenza go by?

Cade, Cadence

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ophelia Cadenza have?


Hair Style - How does Ophelia Cadenza style their hair?

Layered diva curls that reach about halfway past her bra, most time pulled back in a high ponytail or high bun.

Hair Color - What color is Ophelia Cadenza ’s hair?

Black, dark brown natural highlights.

Height - How tall is Ophelia Cadenza ?

5" 5

Weight - How much does Ophelia Cadenza weigh?

141 lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ophelia Cadenza have?

A long, melanin-tinted birthmark from the end of the right side of her jawline and all the way down to her left ankle. Her pants always have holes or slits on the back of her knees because it's one of the most painless places to draw blood. She sees her friends as idiots to cut their hands over and over for blood offerings. On her left arm she has several vertical cuts and on her upper right arm she has half of a tattooed sleeve. She has a strong British accent, but it slowly fades as she grows apart from her family.

Body Type

Average, athletic

Skin Tone

Fair, slightly on the tanner side

Race - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s race?


Eye Color - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s eye color?

Bright, pastel blue

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Ophelia Cadenza most?

The pains and fear of being forgotten and left behind.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ophelia Cadenza have?

When she's nervous, she chews her thumb nail of her right hand (the pad of her finger facing out). She also bites her inner, lower lip when blushing, embarrassed or nervous. She holds out her palms to the ground and pumps them up and down a few inches to calm herself down when she gets frantic. Mumbles to herself when she's thinking. If she ever has to cover her face, whether it be a yawn or a slight blush (she sees blushing as a sign of weakness), she'll cover her face with her hand, palm out. Doesn't really show any more emotion past the little things.

Flaws - What flaws does Ophelia Cadenza have?

Blunt, lying, hypocritical, judgemental, jumps to conclusions, becomes jealous very easily. When in an argument and she knows she's beat, she takes low blows and levers on insecurities. Believes that everyone wants her pity. Takes some things too serious. Enjoys making people mad, or proving them wrong.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ophelia Cadenza have?

Doesn't like when people of more than four year age differences date or marry. Sees teenagers as nuisances. At first believes that everyone wants pity. Men kind of scare her, but pushes past it by acting more cocky than them.

Talents - What talents does Ophelia Cadenza have?

She practices sparring with a dagger and a long sword and is pretty good at it. She's not exactly over-achieving in a lot of things, but she likes things related to music (instruments, dancing). Arguing/debates.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ophelia Cadenza have?

She likes binge-watching kids' movies and shows. When she's bored, she cleans her room/rearranges it. Practicing what she would do if someone broke into her room right then and there. She sometimes goes out and reads people to exercise her deductive skills and to have fun. She also likes fragrances, so she'll collect candles wherever she goes. She travels a lot for her occupation, so she organizes playlists when she can as well. Making people mad. God, she loves doing that.

Personality type - What personality type is Ophelia Cadenza ?

She is deceptive. She knows too much, due to that, she can be called annoying for reading people and knowing so much about them from the little things. Very blunt and either doesn't care or hates everything. Too sarcastic even for her best friends.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s favorite possession?

She has two rings that go around both of her middle fingers. One is an iron band that has her brothers' birthdates engraved in the center (Milwaukee). The other is silver with her sister's birthstone, peridot (Sherly). She has other rings, but these are her favorites.

Politics - What politics does Ophelia Cadenza have?

She isn't wholly on one party on the other. She does believe that the government should help those who are in need. But she agrees with Republicans when they fight for the abolition of slavery and the distribution of power.

Religion - What religion does Ophelia Cadenza practice?


Favorite animal - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s favorite animal?

The ever-majestic potato

Favorite weapon - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s favorite weapon?

Jagdkommando knife

Favorite food - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s favorite food?

French fries (preferably with a milkshake or ice cream)

Favorite color - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s favorite color?

Vantablack, whisky barrel brown that's striked by the sun on a hot, bright day, candle apple green with a honey undertone

Occupation - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s occupation?


info History
Birthday - When is Ophelia Cadenza ’s birthday?

June 6

Background - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s background?

She grew up in a lovely stone-worked cottage of a home with three siblings and two parents. From oldest to youngest, there was Mike, her, Will, and Sherry.
The four of them were homeschooled until first grade. All of her siblings hated it when they had gone through it, but she liked it. So her parents kept her in a private school. A few times she had thought about dropping out and going back to being homeschooled, because of her teachers, but decided against it because she had said, "Why should I let some blokes get in the way of my education?"
Her sister went missing when she was five and was D.O.A. At least, that was what her parents had told her.
Her brother William taught her how to play violin, and Mike taught her how to dance. She loved both of these and transferred her knowledge to other instruments. Once more, she ran into poor male influences in her life.
She moved from London to America, but usually went back home in the summer. Not even during things such as Christmas break did she go home. She stayed in West Virginia for education. Her legal guardian was in South Dakota, but she did not want to move so the person who signed forms was herself and her guardian flew over during parent/teacher conferences and such. She ate at her friends' houses and cycled through them so it wouldn't seem suspicious. When that was too much, she made herself a sandwich at home.
When she was a teenager, was when she started being bullied because of how she read people. It was then when she learned just how bad peers, and teens, could be. She looked at the "Miss Popular" on her first day and apologized that her dad had walked out on her life when she was young. It was rough for her in those years. But then, she kept her chin up, pressed on, and tried to survive. That last part was hard to follow through on. She didn't make it into adulthood without a few scars on herself.
She continued her studies in the States and still went home in the summer. She had an undergrad degree in Psychology (B.A.). Throughout college, she picked up some friends, but a lot of enemies. At that time, she didn't care about anyone's feelings anymore or whether they got hurt or not. Until she was in her first major relationship. She hadn't known exactly the signs of a toxic relationship. The first red flag should've been verbal abuse during their 2nd year. At that time, she cared only about her outward appearance. Having a boyfriend that had a full ride because of a sports scholarship, not exactly her type, so she moved on to the hottest guy. He seemed like a tsundere type, so they had a relationship ever since freshman year. He had a slow progression of growing worse in the abuse, and she had her own arc where she saw herself as too weak to fight in response. It was only after a few hospital trips that she finally broke it off. But his torment didn't stop there. He harassed her whenever he saw her, but she tried to ignore him, not wanting to tell everyone that he still believes in Santa Claus or goes to bars in drag during his freetime. She wanted to say that she refrained because she was a good person, but in reality, she was scared. He dropped out halfway through his last semester. He was out of the school and out of her life. She entirely shut off the branch of her mind that concerned him. Once she had gone through that and reopened the wounds of poor male influences, she just generalized all men as pricks. All except for her best friends.
After her graduation, her demeanor only shifted a bit. She only spoke when spoken to, but didn't bit her tongue when speaking. She was more detached and cold to everything. She went out and inked her body. The upper sleeve is made up of the little things she cares about or want to remember. There are roses for those souls that she lost throughout her life (a daunting number), twin skulls for her deceased best friend and sister, briar patches to remind her that beauty can come from pain, and more. As she continues to age, she gets more tattoos, all with different meanings.
That's where her background ends and our story picks up.

Education - What is Ophelia Cadenza ’s level of education?

She graduated college with an undergrad degree.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ophelia Cadenza have?

If you count her siblings, three

history Changelog
edit Notes

A bit of trivia about her.
She can't decide on a favorite song. It can often bounce back and forth between several recordings. She's a sucker for eighties music and patterns.
She wears contacts and barely takes them out overnight. She has gotten several minor eye infections, but it does not deter her because they go away after a few days or so.
She isn't scared of Death. She'll spit in his face for the hell of it because she's always ready to die, whether by a probable hitman or herself. But what she is scared of is the hurricane of pain she'll leave behind. Or seeing that there is none and she was minuscule to others lives.
Under all of her shoes or boots, she's probably wearing silly socks with puppies on them.
If she had a real life inspiration that was a celebrity, she probably would choose it to be no one, they're all fake. She thinks that real people are too flawed and relatable that she kind of is revolted. If there was a gun pointed to her head, she'd say her little brother Will because he was her rock during hard times. But fictional, she'd have a list. She loves Jason Todd, James Barnes, and Tony Stark. Of course, Batman. She sees it like herself to be cold and hide behind a mask to distract herself from how fucked up she is herself.
When she's pissed, she throws childish tantrums in her head. In the real world, she can probably be found in the kitchen, even though she can't cook all too well. It's where the knives that don't look suspicious being washed are.
If you looked in her preferred bag (she doesn't fancy purses) right now, you would find too many weapons too well concealed. Her garrote wire and small pocket knives would be stowed away in a paisley make-up bag. A gun would be wrapped up in a scarf and the silencer in her wristlet wallet. There would be a bundle of tangled earbuds and charging cables. Half-used chapsticks would litter the bottom and there is no doubt there would be snacks in that bag. Stray pieces of money would be strewn about. Maybe make-up on a bad day. Also condoms. Never be unprepared. That same statement goes for the reasons why she has a set of needles and thread. Somewhere in there she also has her bike keys and a leather-back journal. On the outer pockets, it be loaded with nicotine patches and maybe a box of cigarettes. A lighter and a water bottle would be in the counterpart pocket.
Depending on what a situation calls for, she can be both a strategist and an improviser. But if she had to pick, she'd love to just go with her instinct and just be reckless without consequences.
When her friends are cracking beer bottles, she's usually have a can or bottle or soda. Drinking isn't exactly her favorite, because they're associated with bad memories of her relationships, but she can hold her liquor.
Usually, she can be found wearing an olive bomber or letterman coat over a flannel and a plain or band t-shirt. It's paired with leggings or jeans and combat boots. Her fingers brandish her favorite rings and more and on her right wrist she has hair ties and on her left bracelets.
She is definitely a dog person. She can tolerate a few cats, loves them anyways, but her pet of choice would be a dog. When she was younger, she wasn't allowed to have any pets because her dad was allergic to dogs and her brother hated cats.
If she's bored, and bored as in her hobbies have all been done too many times, she'll just sit. Sit and feel deflated. Maybe if she has a hunt coming up, she'll research that, but above else she'll sigh and sit.
Her favorite season is fall. Summer's too hot, winter's too cold, and she has slight pollen allergies, so spring is hell for her. Fall is just right and it's her favorite sport season.
Quickly through the "two types of people in this world" trope. Cats and dogs have already been discussed so here are the rest. Coca-cola, Apple user, looks at the price of food and not food, eats the crust, eats at a table, coffee, has seventy alarms on her phone, ice cream, Adidas, has to watch what she eats, pours cereal first, breaks off designated pieces of candy, chocolate, doesn't open her email, doesn't let food touch unless she wants it to, sorts colored food, bookmarks with a bookmark, cuts sandwiches in triangles, earbuds, Snapchat, separates her creme-filled cookies, messy sleeper (if sleeping by herself), puts the "I" in "I love you" when texting, doesn't put hashtags, Night Owl.
She constantly dyes her hair. In the beginning of her story, they may have been the occasional outlandish color, but as she got older, she dyed her hair platinum, red, or brown. After she passed her 32 mark, she stopped dying her hair entirely.
She likes nicotine. So much. If she really needs to think, she has nicotine patches on her right arm. They aren't necessary for her to survive, but her friend hides them from her so she can't take them whenever. (Cade usually finds the patches, so it's kind of useless. Also, she has cigarettes.) To her, cigs are tedious because of the smoke, but she will use them on special occasions with her brothers.

folder_open Story
Favorite Quotes

"Oh sorry, did I say the wrong opinion?"
"What's up, sluts? Guess who just got out of prison?"
"Don't be rude. My friend might be dead."
"No. I'm mostly straight."
"Well, bitch shit."
"I leave for two days and Cassie has to fetch me while I just wanna take a na- This is why we can’t have nice things!"
"Oh Jes- chRIST."
"Don't break hearts, they only have one. Break bones. They have 206."
"Keep you head high and your middle finger higher."
"No matter what you do, people will judge. So, may as well do what you want."
"You just have to dance like everyone's watching, so make it look cool. But also dance like no one's watching. So let loose and dance with cool moves."

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Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Ophelia Cadenza

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