info Overview
Name - What is Captain Riley Wells’s full name?

Captain Riley Wells

Age - How old is Captain Riley Wells?


Gender - What is Captain Riley Wells’s gender?


Role - What is Captain Riley Wells’s role in your story?

Captain of 42nd

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Captain Riley Wells’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Captain Riley Wells’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Hair Style - How does Captain Riley Wells style their hair?

Sort, layered, messy

Race - What is Captain Riley Wells’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Captain Riley Wells?

Understanding, fast thinking, clever, protective of his company, practical

info History
Background - What is Captain Riley Wells’s background?

Joined Peace-Bull after 42nd liberated (Bridgewood) after it was overrun by witches.

Finished training around Rusted Trust

Took over 42nd company following Captain Mikayla Poe 's wish between Rusted Trust and Lost in Frost.

After reporting her death, he stopped reporting casualties at all and kept communications with Command to an absolute minimum.

device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Jarhara Jai Arik on

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