info Overview
Name - What is Ana Luis Herrera’s full name?

Ana Luis Herrera

Role - What is Ana Luis Herrera’s role in your story?

Little Sister

Other names - What other aliases does Ana Luis Herrera go by?

  • Al

  • Allie

  • Anne

Gender - What is Ana Luis Herrera’s gender?

demigirl, AFAB, she/they

Age - How old is Ana Luis Herrera?


nfc Name
Last Name History


Latin Origin - comes from the word "ferrāria" meaning iron mine

face Looks
Race - What is Ana Luis Herrera’s race?


50% Mexican
25% Nicaraguan
25% Costa Rican

Height - How tall is Ana Luis Herrera?

5'1"/155 cm

Weight - How much does Ana Luis Herrera weigh?

120 lbs/54.5 kg

average weight, a little heavier due to muscle

Skin Tone

medium brown, pinkish undertones. dark freckles across her face

Body Type

average, lean, some muscle in her arms and torso

Face Shape

sharp chin and jawbones, very impish in structure

Hair Color - What color is Ana Luis Herrera’s hair?

pale purple, she dyes it that color

her natural color is dark brown

Hair Style - How does Ana Luis Herrera style their hair?

shaved on the sides and back, keeping the top part just long enough to pull into a bun on the back of their head.

the texture is pretty curly and thick

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ana Luis Herrera have?



dark and sharp, a little on the thicker side. plucked to perfection


wide eyes with dark brown irises that blend with her pupils, long eyelashes, colored eyeliner on her lids usually

mood Personality
fingerprint Nature
pan_tool Mannerisms
local_hotel Mannerisms 2

  • quick, light-footed

  • nyoom

  • a little naruto running

  • was a track runner in high school so she's p good at the running

group Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Ana Luis Herrera’s birthday?

July 19th, 2208

Education - What is Ana Luis Herrera’s level of education?

Catholic school ages 6-13, then expelled and went to public school ages 13-18
Currently studying at the local University in Criminology

timeline Arc
filter_list Abilities/Powers
translate Voice
work Inventory
healing Medical
device_hub Family

Paternal Grandfather: Jose Herrera
Paternal Grandmother: Ana Herrera


Father: Luis Herrera
Mother: Rosa Herrera


Sisters: Santana, Miranda
Brother: Felix Herrera

directions_walk People
favorite Love
chat_bubble_outline Quotes
plus_one Other
edit Notes

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