info Overview
Name - What is Siirawyn Joselvin’s full name?

Siirawyn Joselvin

Role - What is Siirawyn Joselvin’s role in your story?

The reason why the world is the way it is; the ‘protagonist,’ but later main antagonist.


Never had the opportunity to form any romantic relationships, probably on the asexual spectrum. Truthfully, legitimately doesn’t understand “love,” if he were in it, he would be practically blind to any hints.

Age - How old is Siirawyn Joselvin?

21 (beginning of his story)
1294 years upon his awakening - read backstory for elaboration

Gender - What is Siirawyn Joselvin’s gender?

AMAB, Uncertain - fine with being called a man, not opposed to they/them pronouns, although most people use he/him and he doesn’t argue. his identity gradually becomes more undefined with age, though.

Other names - What other aliases does Siirawyn Joselvin go by?

“The Kernel”: although he didn’t care if others knew his real name, as the leader of his cult - Children of the Labyrinth - this was his name, said to be respectful.

“Change Bringer,” for the worst most likely - while he exposed cruelty towards Aeth users, he became extremely cruel himself, bringing on changes that quite literally broke the world.

“God of the Black Tree,” or just “The Black Tree,” when his curse reached its limits, Siirawyn transformed into The Black Tree, ever protected by his cult.

face Looks
Race - What is Siirawyn Joselvin’s race?

Human (Aeth user. 0-40 years old)
Magical tree (40-1294 years)
Aeth Beast (1294-??? years)

Eye Color - What is Siirawyn Joselvin’s eye color?

silver, with golden inner irises (21-23 years old, and somewhat beyond). beyond 23 years old, as he aged, the gold inner iris gradually left his right eye, and his left eye became completely golden, while his right become completely silver due to a curse. they remain like this the rest of his life.

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