info Overview
Name - What is liz’s full name?


Role - What is liz’s role in your story?

disaster fire witch, protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does liz go by?

liz is a nickname. her real name is elizabeth.

Gender - What is liz’s gender?

female (she/her)

Age - How old is liz?




face Looks
Weight - How much does liz weigh?


Height - How tall is liz?


Hair Color - What color is liz’s hair?

Bright red, like shock red.

Hair Style - How does liz style their hair?

long and straight, hair typically down but sometimes in a ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does liz have?


Eye Color - What is liz’s eye color?

honey brown

Race - What is liz’s race?

witch (85%)

Skin Tone

sun-tanned. freckly in summer

Body Type

lanky, tall, rectangle-like build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does liz have?

a scar on her upper arm (from a doused fire)

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does liz have?

Liz is very loud, regardless of whether she's angry, excited, or literally anything else. She likes being active, so kicks her legs when sitting down, hums when anxious, etc.

Motivations - What motivates liz most?

just having fun, probably, but saving the world if it came to that

Flaws - What flaws does liz have?

impulsive, physically unaware, physically destructive (not of others)

Prejudices - What prejudices does liz have?

none in particular

Talents - What talents does liz have?

well her Talent (basically a type of magic you are born with) is fire (which, if doused while touching skin will leave a 'burn')

Hobbies - What hobbies does liz have?

learning magic and flying her lil broom :)

Personality type - What personality type is liz?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does liz practice?


Politics - What politics does liz have?

doesnt like politics but is probably an anarchist. slightly, subconsciously believes in stereotypes about Nymphs (elf/goblin-like people, stereotyped to be thieves, criminals, etc) but quickly corrects herself and eventually un-learns this.

Occupation - What is liz’s occupation?

usually at school, but helps her family's bakery on holidays

Favorite color - What is liz’s favorite color?

red, like her hair

Favorite food - What is liz’s favorite food?

anything spicy.

Favorite possession - What is liz’s favorite possession?

her broom

Favorite weapon - What is liz’s favorite weapon?

her broom? likes swords though.

Favorite animal - What is liz’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does liz have?

none (except on school breaks)

date_range History
Birthday - When is liz’s birthday?

april 5th (aries)

Education - What is liz’s level of education?

GWM (Gemini Witchcraft and Magick)

Background - What is liz’s background?

Liz was always a bit of a troublemaker, whether she meant to be or not. Because of this she was very accident prone, and has had three broken bones.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

aro/ace, she/her

siblings- august (twin brother, as of Fri April 1st, has not been added yet)

brightness_4 magic/magickal abilities
What is the extent of their magickal (spells, casts, etc) ability?

liz is on the stronger side, but not as strong as frances.

What is their Talent?

liz can cause fire on her body which can cause fire to other things. she is not immune to the ashes. if the fire is touching her body and is extinguished, it will burn her.

If any, what is their Major? (the general field of magic they use, regardless of Talent)

eclectic (none/other)

wb_sunny Favorites

cabinet man - lemon demon
Harvey - her's



star_border Stats
strength (physical)







7/10 (not regarding looks, more in social situations)

social (?)




favorite_border Likes/Dislikes

-long skirts
-riding her broom


-sitting still
-mean people
-people telling her what to do



bubble_chart Conditions
Character chevron_right Friends link linked liz

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked liz

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