info Overview
Name - What is Eris Rowan’s full name?

Eris Rowan

Name etymology

Eris is a Greek name that means “discord”


  • Eri


August 27, 1995

Age - How old is Eris Rowan?


Race - What is Eris Rowan’s race?
Gender - What is Eris Rowan’s gender?



Aromantic Asexual

Role - What is Eris Rowan’s role in your story?

  • The snarky second lieutenant

face Looks

Ethnicity: Her dad's family is from Italy. Her mom's family is from Brazil

Race: 1/2 Caucasian, 1/2 Latin American

Weight - How much does Eris Rowan weigh?

128 pounds

Height - How tall is Eris Rowan?


Hair Style - How does Eris Rowan style their hair?

They have wavy bangs that fall on the left side. Their hair is long enough to curl under their ears

Hair Color - What color is Eris Rowan’s hair?

Medium brown

Eye Color - What is Eris Rowan’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Facial features

She has a heart face shape. Her eyebrows are thin and arched. She has almond eyes. Her nose is a button.

Body Type

They're an average height. They're athletic, being a good runner and they're pretty lean

Skin Tone



  • Her hands are calloused from rough work

  • Because she's a werewolf, she can shape shift into a brown pelted wolf. She can also display fangs

chat Voice and footsteps
local_offer Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Eris Rowan?

She's rowdy and 100% done with everyone's shit


healing Conditions
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
power Abilities
headset Quotes
audiotrack Music
border_color Trivia
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Eris Rowan

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This character was created by Livs like playing around with literary techniques on

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