info Overview
Name - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s full name?

Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali

Role - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s role in your story?


Gender - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s gender?


Age - How old is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali weigh?


Height - How tall is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali?


Hair Color - What color is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali style their hair?

Long hair, straight and smooth. Often is tied up.

Eye Color - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s eye color?

Dark Brown, appears black in most lighting

Race - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s race?

Esokan. A long line of magic users known for their affinities to the core elements, water/fire/earth, and inhumane means of attack. Most go insane before the end of their lifetime.

It is tradition when Esokanise children reach the age of 12, they slaughter the family's best ox and make leather from the hide. They braid the leather into anklets to exchange with their family and loved ones. The ox is supposed to be the child's first kill, it is considered bad luck for a child to kill before that time- many children who do end up going insane before their late twenties.

Esokanise make their home in the far deserts of the Pilliax region. They live in leather huts and raise Pilliaxian oxen, a six legged large mammal that absorbs the minerals from sand through it's metallic snout.

Skin Tone


Body Type

Lean, lanky limbs, broad shoulders, thin waist

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali have?

A red sun tatoo centered on his back, same style as the one in Tangled

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali have?

He loses his head a bit when in combat or high stress situations, and he can be too passive about things that matter.

Magical Abilities

He can mute the sounds he makes while moving/breathing (so he could sneak up on someone silently) and has an affinity for water- he can move it with his mind, summon it from deep within the ground, and make it float through the air.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Sarsönil (Sars) Eoiali’s favorite color?

Deep, rich cobalt blue

date_range History
device_hub Family
edit Notes

Yurul, a planet with no shortage of magical beings and mystic arts, relies on an ancient hierarchy of lineages. Many families gain and fall out of power through planned marriages and business deals. Some families have done away with betrothals and worries about power, but the custom is a large part of all cultures in Yurul. The planet is divided into five regions: Pillax, Qéo, Varesia, Hykno, and Islilia.

Pillax is a desert wasteland, just sand for miles and miles. This region is inhabited by demons, cursed bloodlines, centaurs, necromancers, dragons, Pillaxn ox, Esokan, and some specialized magic users. Most non-native creatures avoid the area, as it is easy to get lost in the endless dunes. Qéo is filled with dense rainforests and plants. Botanists flock to the region, and 36% of the planet's oxygen supply is produced from the forests there. Fae, fairies, elves, fauns, nymphs, sprites, ents, and other magical creatures inhabit the area. Varesia is the typical story book fantasy land with stone castles and quaint villages, but a handful of cities in the region are much more modernized with skyscrapers and huge electrical plants. Electrical sprites and other technical beings live in the large cities -along with some non-magic beings and magic users aspiring to start something for themselves- whereas most magic users, non-magic users, unicorns, healers, Elmards, witches and wizards, alchemists, house dwarves, and enchantresses live in the rest of the region. Hykno is filled with ice caverns and tunnels that burrow into the mountains. Along with some non-magic miners, golems, orcs, mountain dwarves, dragons, Cretians, some scientist's labs, and lesser ice beings reside in the region. Islilia is the oceans and scattered islands that cover the rest of the planet. Serpents, mermaids, sirens, kelpie, krakens, hippocampus, and pirates traverse these waters.

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