info Overview
Name - What is Green Peridoe’s full name?

Green Peridoe

Role - What is Green Peridoe’s role in your story?

Beloved DJ of Tengoku City

Age - How old is Green Peridoe?


Gender - What is Green Peridoe’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Green Peridoe?


Weight - How much does Green Peridoe weigh?

122 lbs.

Style of Dress

Simple, casual, dark and light contrast, the color green

Full Physical Description

Green is of average height for his age, but built like a fragile twig. His black hair doesn't look particularly well-maintained either, but his fame has made the scruffiness part of his trademark style so he can no longer go without it. The other half of the style is his streak: one lock of his bangs is dyed bright green and hangs an inch lower than the rest, in-between his eyes. He feels naked without his expensive black over-ear headphones, which wrap around the back of his neck rather than over the top of his head.

fingerprint Personality

Dark rooms, noisy music with a lot of bass, fancy coffee drinks


Petty thieves, conspiracy nutters, pranks

Fears and Phobias

Driving his friends and loved ones away, blood

Hobbies and Interests

Music mixing and composing, cycling, indie horror games



Full Personality Description

Green was never all that social. He's happiest when he has either peace and quiet, or the loudest, bassiest possible music that drowns out his thoughts. Control is important to him, whether it's over who knows what about him or just how things are organized; it might be difficult for an outsider to figure out his reasoning but there's always a method to his madness.

He's completely mute, thanks to an injury when he was a kid. He signs with close friends and family. He has a phone app that can dictate what he writes, but prefers not to use it in public since it draws a lot of attention. He's most talkative over IM or text, where he doesn't have to be face-to-face.

pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

Green knows a bit of basic self-defense to protect himself when out in the city at night, but otherwise he isn't much more skilled than your average Ludo native.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Green Peridoe have?

Disk jockey

Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


  • got into the music industry early to help pay Juke's enormous medical bills

  • met Red through DJ tutoring

  • maybe kinda sorta interested in Red but is completely clueless that he's been flirting the entire time

  • ditch the stuff with Yeron

edit Notes
help_outline Q&A
If something negative happens to you, do you believe you caused or deserved it, or are you quick to blame others?

djgreenofficial: I blame myself a lot more than I should, I know. I always feel like I could've done something better.

Do you often hurt others unintentionally? If so, how?

djgreenofficial: Some people get offended when I don't talk to them. They don't understand that I don't have a choice. It's even worse when I try to sign to them and they just snap at me...

How open are you with someone you just met? What do you hide, if anything?

djgreenofficial: It depends on what they want from me. If they're a fan or something, I'll smile and answer basic questions, but I'm cagey about anything important.

Who confides in you?

djgreenofficial: Red, mostly. Sometimes Juke, though not as often as he used to.

What do you feel it's important to be talented at?

djgreenofficial: Something music-related, if you want to make it in Tengoku City. It also pays to be physically fit.

Do you want kids?

djgreenofficial: Not really, no. I don't think I'd be a great dad since I'm kind of controlling.

What is your dream date?

djgreenofficial: Something where we can just enjoy each other's company, like a movie.

Do you exercise? How regularly?

djgreenofficial: I ride my bike to and from work. That counts, right? I don't need to a lot more than that anyway.

In your opinion, what is your best feature?

djgreenofficial: I guess if so many people want to copy my hair, there's got to be something to that, right?

Green Peridoe appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Green Peridoe

Character chevron_right Best Friend link linked Green Peridoe

Character chevron_right Love Interests link linked Green Peridoe

Character chevron_right Apprentices link linked Green Peridoe

Character chevron_right Story link mentioned Green Peridoe

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