info Overview
Name - What is Exunde Reragon’s full name?

Exunde Reragon

Role - What is Exunde Reragon’s role in your story?

Nervous Yet Protective Father

Age - How old is Exunde Reragon?


Gender - What is Exunde Reragon’s gender?






Name Pronunciation

"ex-oon-day rare-ah-gawn"

face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Exunde Reragon?


Weight - How much does Exunde Reragon weigh?

65 lbs.

Style of Dress

Whatever he can find

Full Physical Description

Exunde's tight skin bears an ashy gray color and sags slightly around his face, a sign of aging. He is particularly slender, giving a fragile appearance even by mortuexan standards. His claws are filed short and his green eyes are often downcast – both to avoid calling attention to himself and to make him appear less threatening. Despite his efforts to blend in, however, he has had three of his fingers pulled off by bitter frigis.

fingerprint Personality

Romance novels, fine dining, candles with odd-colored flames


Challenging authority, dancing, loud noises

Fears and Phobias

Crowds, forgetting important things

Hobbies and Interests

Writing poetry, growing edible plants, arcane runes



Full Personality Description

Exunde was always awkward and nervous, but the constant oppression made him even more unsure of himself. He's often afraid to speak his mind, but at the same time can be fiercely protective of his loved ones for fear of letting them go through the same pain he did. He prefers to keep his social ring small and doesn't handle conversations with strangers well. But no matter what happens to him, he treasures his heritage and refuses to go against it where he can, most visibly reflected in his stubborn refusal to learn any languages besides Ossein.

pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

Even if he did know how to fight, Exunde isn't physically capable. At most, he can use his magic to temporarily blind attackers.

group Relationships
account_circle Life
Job - What job does Exunde Reragon have?


Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Exunde has been an outcast ever since he was a kid. Even among fellow mortus, he is quite introverted and hesitant to get along with others. He met his mate Alana Reragon at a magic class while trying to learn to defend himself better, and quickly fell for her mix of brazen charm and gentle caring. While Exunde's life with Alana and their daughter Emelia Reragon was strained by social difficulties, he couldn't have been happier.

At least, until Alana was lost to the Light Zone on one of her adventures. Exunde's relationship with his daughter became strained to the point of breaking as she blames him for Alana's death. Exunde now lives alone since Emelia ran to Terrata, and while he could follow her easily using a spare AIDA Cube from Alana's collection, it just doesn't seem right.

edit Notes
help_outline Q&A
What did you dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?

"I, ah, I dreamed of being a frigi. Obviously that can't come true... but Alana helped me treasure my heritage more freely."

How open are you with someone you just met? What do you hide, if anything?

"I don't like talking to people I don't know well... I try to find out more about them before sharing anything about myself, especially my family life."

Are you easily insulted?

"I try to ignore insults. If you feed another person's hatred, they'll only come back at you twice as strong the next time."

What calms you down the best when under severe stress?

"I, um, I find poetry helpful. When my emotions are running out of control, I try to write them down. If I can't do that... staring into an orb of dark energy helps, sometimes."

What do you hate about yourself?

"Oh, a lot... I'm weak, physically and- and emotionally, my magic isn't very powerful, I had to rely on Alana for a lot..."

What could make you cry?

"I... don't have a very high pain tolerance, so there's that."

Who, in your opinion, makes the best food?

"I used to know a young man who lived in Rellon and studied the techniques of all the greatest mortu chefs... Maybe one day I should go back there to see him again."

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