info Overview
Name - What is Cliff Frayn’s full name?

Cliff Frayn

Age - How old is Cliff Frayn?


Gender - What is Cliff Frayn’s gender?


Role - What is Cliff Frayn’s role in your story?

Main character's son



face Looks
Height - How tall is Cliff Frayn?

Growing throughout the story.

Hair Color - What color is Cliff Frayn’s hair?


Skin Tone

Dark brown

Race - What is Cliff Frayn’s race?

Calderan Human

Eye Color - What is Cliff Frayn’s eye color?

Sea green

Hair Style - How does Cliff Frayn style their hair?

Curly and short

Weight - How much does Cliff Frayn weigh?

Average I guess

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
info History
history Changelog
edit Notes
Universe chevron_right People link linked Cliff Frayn

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Cliff Frayn

Character chevron_right Children link linked Cliff Frayn

This character was created by Madi on

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