info Overview
Name - What is Alexander Angevin’s full name?

Alexander Angevin

Role - What is Alexander Angevin’s role in your story?

The head pharmacist for the Longevity Drug that is this in the research and development process. A little air headed when fixed on a problem.

Other names - What other aliases does Alexander Angevin go by?

Dr. Alexander Angevin
Dr. Angevin

Gender - What is Alexander Angevin’s gender?


Age - How old is Alexander Angevin?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Alexander Angevin?

Focused, when given a task, he generally doesn't stop to consider others until he's finished.

Flaws - What flaws does Alexander Angevin have?

Single minded

Motivations - What motivates Alexander Angevin most?

Want to be remembered in medical texts as the inventor of the Longevity Drug. In addition to getting the affections of Susannah Stewart .

groups Social
Occupation - What is Alexander Angevin’s occupation?


date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Abilities
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Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned Alexander Angevin

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This character was created by Adam Chanski on

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