info Overview
Name - What is Kinga Ramóna’s full name?

Kinga Ramóna

Gender - What is Kinga Ramóna’s gender?

Genderfluid, female-preferring, afab

Age - How old is Kinga Ramóna?


Typical Clothing

Definitely streetwear-esque. Loose clothing with straps, either hanging or tightened. Black is a favorite color. Will absolutely wear outrageous shit if they can get away with it.

Role - What is Kinga Ramóna’s role in your story?

Harley's chaos best friend with all the bad ideas

Other names - What other aliases does Kinga Ramóna go by?

King, Kay

face Looks
Skin Tone

bitch never sees the sun. might as well be a vampire honestly

Body Type

does however spend some time at the gym. though she's generally thin, even with a natural hourglass waist, her muscle is toned. got herself a nice v-line she likes to show off

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kinga Ramóna have?

kay has tattoos just like harley, and is the entire reason they got them in the first place. the most notable ones usually are the ones on their neck. one is just a solid black band that goes all the way around like a permanent choker. upwards-curving wings creep out to the sides from the back below the band, as if cupping their neck, and interrupt the band. right above is a crown going all the way around with the taller centerpiece being right in the middle of their throat.
there are others, of course, and follow the same theme: feathers and crowns, with intermingling solid bands. each wrist has a set of two bands, one one of their biceps has one band.
the most memorable tat outside of their neck piece is the chest piece. the top half is a pair of symmetrical crows flying to either shoulder, with small branches and leaves intermingled. In their feet, they both carry two sides of a chain that twists together between their breasts, and into an intricate chandelier that is rather wicked looking with sharp edges and twisting branches throughout.
and then right below that are their hip tats, which mostly rest right above the hemline and have a second half that is usually covered by the fabric. those dip towards the groin area.


ears: several. usually has three spiked studs along the upper cartilage of their right ear
lips: vertical labret and snakebite hoops
nose: barbell through the bridge

Weight - How much does Kinga Ramóna weigh?

125 lbs roughly

Height - How tall is Kinga Ramóna?


Hair Color - What color is Kinga Ramóna’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Kinga Ramóna style their hair?

fluffy, mildly curly if not straightend, cut to frame the face but otherwise not layered, usually styled in some way if they're not lazy

Eye Color - What is Kinga Ramóna’s eye color?

one light brown, one grey

Race - What is Kinga Ramóna’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Magical Abilities

electric (harley likes to use her as a walking battery)


if you're lifelong friends with Harley, you have to have their bubbly personality rubbing off on you to some degree. confrontational, extroverted, protective, definitely guard dog type person. generally speaking, they have a habit of mirroring the person/people they're with a bit. so they'll be a little more excitable with Harley and then mellow down with someone a little more toned down and less chatty

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kinga Ramóna have?

poetry (but don't tell dear old daddy), drawing, and also tinkering with electronics, meaning some coding as well

Flaws - What flaws does Kinga Ramóna have?

just a tad cynical, mostly about the world, but bullheaded as well and definitely to a fault. spiteful

groups Social
info History
device_hub Family

Noémi Ramóna. Died from terminal illness that doctors still don't really know what is was. Kay was 11 when she died


Henrik Ramóna. Credited as a semi-successful orchestra conductor and composer. Well-off enough that Kay is a little bit of a disappointment for not being into music all that much, but makes up for it by being friends with Harley


Harley Lane is an honorary sibling. Otherwise, they're a Class A only-child

shopping_basket Inventory
favorite Love Life
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Kirke on

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