info Overview
Name - What is Jude’s full name?


Gender - What is Jude’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jude go by?


Role - What is Jude’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Jude?

unsure, as time flows differently in the InBetween places than the actual universes themselves

audiotrack Music
Character theme song(s)

Black Out Days - Future Islands Remix
Witchcraft - THORNAPPLE

Songs for other character events

Lost Soul (Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross) - Character first introduced

Favorite genre of music

Classical, jazz

face Looks
Height - How tall is Jude?


Weight - How much does Jude weigh?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Face Shape


Feature Type


Hair Style - How does Jude style their hair?

it's jagged and uneven because he cuts it himself with whatever random sharp objects he finds in the InBetween; his hair is loose curls

Hair Color - What color is Jude’s hair?

dark chocolate brown

Eye Shape

upturned, partially hooded, almond

Eye Color - What is Jude’s eye color?

hazel green

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jude have?

Jude is covered by a vast collection of scars from his time in the InBetween, including some on his face: one in a straight line from temple to jaw on the right side and one jagged one from the corner of his lip to his left ear and down to his collarbone.

accessibility_new Mannerisms
Coping mechanism for trauma

He shuts down, going silent and oblivious to any and everything going on around him

Behavior when hungry

Irritable and more aggressive, focused only on getting food

Nervous ticks

Like with most other emotions, Jude internalizes his nervousness, so he is not a fidgeter. Instead, his breathing grows shallow and his whole body goes rigid; his limbs feel heavy and sluggish so he does not become jumpy or skittish. (So between flight or freeze, he's more of a freeze kind of guy.)

Repetitive gestures

rubbing/touching the scar from lip to collarbone; constantly looking over his shoulder

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Jude have?

competitive archer

Motivations - What motivates Jude most?

He needs to get back to his original universe because he left siblings behind in an abusive situation for which he feels responsible

Biggest insecurity

currently none; there's no time to be insecure when you're stranded alone in a space that tries to purge living matter from itself to prevent realities from interacting

Greatest Fear

that he'll die lol

Greatest Acheivement

surviving as long as he has

Greatest Regret

that he didn't look out for his younger siblings more and try to get them out of that situation sooner; he wishes he treated the people in his life who actually cared about him better, instead of pushing them away.


as a result of how long he's survived in the InBetween, Jude vomits fairly often, no longer has a sense of taste or smell, suffers from insomnia, and open wounds that appear and disappear at random.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jude have?

his hobbies before stumbling into the InBetween were archery, collecting old records, and watching true crime shows

Early Bird/Night Owl

night owl

settings Core
Wants to be remembered for

he just wants to be remembered by someone

groups Social and Likes
Favorite weapon - What is Jude’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite color - What is Jude’s favorite color?

Deep sage/forest green

Least favorite color


Favorite animal - What is Jude’s favorite animal?


Least favorite animal


Favorite food - What is Jude’s favorite food?


Least favorite food


info History
Birthday - When is Jude’s birthday?

October 31st

Education - What is Jude’s level of education?

Senior year high school

Background - What is Jude’s background?

Low income, single-parent household, four younger siblings and an abusive mother

device_hub Family
Relationship with parents

None; he hates his mom

Relationship with siblings

he loves his siblings but sometimes he resents the burden they represent because of the responsibility and pressure he feels to look out for them

history Changelog
wc Interactions
edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory
accessibility Clothing
volume_up Speech
Speech pattern

sharp, short




This character was created by Abi on

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