info Overview
Name - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s full name?

Khoa Nicodemus

Gender - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s gender?

Male; amab

Age - How old is Khoa Nicodemus?




Typical Clothing

Soft and comfy clothes, sometimes skinny jeans, rips optional.

Role - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s role in your story?

sweet love interest of a rat soldier boy

Other names - What other aliases does Khoa Nicodemus go by?


face Looks
Skin Tone

light tan

Body Type

lean with very little muscle, just about enough for the average citizen. kinda boxy in build with just a slight taper to his waist

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Khoa Nicodemus have?

a lil birth mark on the back of his neck and on his belly


hoop piercing in the middle of his bottom lip



Weight - How much does Khoa Nicodemus weigh?

175 lbs

Height - How tall is Khoa Nicodemus?


Hair Color - What color is Khoa Nicodemus’s hair?

light blonde

Hair Style - How does Khoa Nicodemus style their hair?

fluffy and always goes poof, and typically isn't well-groomed outside regular washing. has a wavy texture to it

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Khoa Nicodemus have?


Eye Color - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s eye color?

a pretty gray color

Race - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Khoa Nicodemus have?

cooking and being able to handle absolute dumbassery with the utmost patience

Magical Abilities

can see spirits and probably some other shit but idk


blind boyo


incredibly sweet and infinitely patient, but doesn’t mean he’ll take shit laying down. if someone’s being a dick, he’ll spell it out to them. bends the rules like nobody’s business and has absolutely no regard for consequences, only the desired outcome of his decisions. because he can’t exactly judge people by their covers, he focuses on how people act and their motives to assess them. very touchy-feely

Hobbies - What hobbies does Khoa Nicodemus have?

cooking, obviously. finger painting is fun, be he wouldn’t call it a hobby because he’s not very good at it and only does it when he’s bored. listening to the world while sitting at his window, as well as music

Flaws - What flaws does Khoa Nicodemus have?

absolute perfection, no flaws whatsoever, how dare you even suggest such a thing

...but he's also not the best when it comes to self-preservation instincts. is absolutely the kind of person to befriend a killer that has the "right vibes" and fails to pose a danger within the first few hours of meeting

Motivations - What motivates Khoa Nicodemus most?

lil bit of spite, lil bit of proving to himself that he's not worthless. and has the drive to help people that aren't able to help themselves because he understands that feeling


tends to give his piercing a little tap tap with his teeth when he's nervous. rubs anything close either from stress, inner conflict, or boredom

groups Social


Best Friends

Thea Schiller (22; f)


his family

Religion - What religion does Khoa Nicodemus practice?


Politics - What politics does Khoa Nicodemus have?

"a little more fairness and equality would be fantastic"

Favorite food - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s favorite food?

chocolate cake with white chocolate chips

Favorite color - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s favorite color?

if he could see, it'd be blue (water)

Favorite possession - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s favorite possession?

not necessarily his favorite possession, but most significant. a cup his ex had carved pictures onto for fun

Favorite weapon - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Khoa Nicodemus have?

volunteer chef at a homeless shelter


cooking, soft things, the texture of water, being useful/helpful. Just generally anything he can do despite his disability, as well as feeling different things with very unique/interesting textures. sweets are a favorite food, besides his special cake


being treated as something less because he can’t see. pity. rough textures, like unpolished stone. foods that feel weird. particularly stews.

info History

richy rich district. homebirth because his mother didn't want to leave the comfort of her home, but she of course hired a complete assortment of doctors and nurses

Birthday - When is Khoa Nicodemus’s birthday?

February 21st

Education - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s level of education?

mixture of high school and high-end tutors

Background - What is Khoa Nicodemus’s background?

pretty simple background with proper amount of messiness to make the world go round. Khoa was born into a rich family that designs and produces high-end electronics and devices. naturally, they wanted a kid to pass the business down the family line, but when their only son was diagnosed with about 95% of his vision gone due to a retinal disease, they scrambled to salvage what little hope he had of fulfilling his purpose. they bombarded him with tutors, along with sending him to school, but he learned slowly and in his own way, so they concluded he wouldn't be able to be useful to them at all. years of passive emotional abuse and a lack of parental influence went by until he turned 16, and they kicked him out of the house. he's been living on his own since then with occasional help from his best friend Thea, who's also from a rich family and now currently works as a model and photographer. she sometimes uses him as a model in her works

device_hub Family

Cordelia Tinsley-Nicodemus


Kipton Nicodemus





Pets - What pets does Khoa Nicodemus have?


shopping_basket Inventory
favorite Love Life


Love Interest


Current Relationship

N/A (yet)

Past Relationships

Ashley Scott - high school romance turned horrible experience. neither a popular girl nor an outcast, she had a bit of a power complex. she wanted to be better than others, but was too cowardly to go after the popular people of the school. and what better way to feel better than someone than latch onto the local blind boy?
she had befriended him at first, helping him out whenever she could and just being generally nice to him. things progressed and after about a month of knowing each other, Ashely asked him out. not having much experience in the dating life, Khoa agreed, as he did genuinely like her, but not so much to say he loved her. and as it was a high school "romance," he doubted it'd last long anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to indulge her.
things were good, for a while, but then she started to revert back to her usual ways. Sure, she helped him out, but also made him feel inferior and useless in the process, though she always twisted it into her just being a good girlfriend. she constantly put him down with backhanded comments and actions, putting him down and masking it with pretty words and a kiss. because of her manipulation, he didn't initially see the problem, and went with it, even if he went day by day getting worse and worse, self-esteem wise. some days he could barely pull himself out of bed he felt so bad about himself. it was one thing to put up with his parents constantly reminding him of his failures just because of his blindness, it was another to get somehow even worse treatment by his girlfriend—even if he didn't see it at the time. subconsciously, he knew he was being put down, but she was so good at covering her tracks that he didn't consciously notice.
This went on for about three months before he broke up with her after being manipulated into having sex a few times.

Royce Thoreau - first and only boyfriend, and Khoa's gay awakening. Royce was a piano player in a restaurant that Thea had taken him to. they hadn't spoken, but Royce asked the waiter to give Khoa his number, and things sparked from there. at first they were friends, but things quickly spiraled into something more, and that's when Khoa realized that oh, he liked men Like That. not women. he eventually asked Royce out, and they started dating. things were good.
or so he thought.
due to things he never actually knew about or found out, Royce was severely depressed. he'd often come over to Khoa's unannounced and be in desperate need for attention and comfort. then the bandages and scars started appearing. Khoa did his best to help, and some days seemed like he was getting better, but then everything would crash down around them and they'd be back at something less than square one. he tried and tried, they both did. then one day, Royce came up to Khoa, kissed him on his head, told him he loved him for the first time, took him out to dinner, gave him the key to his studio, promised him a better life...
and became a headline in that morning's newspaper. crashed his car straight into a pole at high speeds, with no indication of an attempt to swerve or slow down.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Kirke on

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