account_circle Overview
Name - What is Celosia Raev’s full name?

Celosia Raev

Other names - What other aliases does Celosia Raev go by?

Celosia, Celo

Gender - What is Celosia Raev’s gender?


Age - How old is Celosia Raev?




face Looks

Half-elf, Half-sorcerer

Hair Color - What color is Celosia Raev’s hair?

Red-to-orange-to-yellow ombre. Really only just about goes to orange.

Hair Style - How does Celosia Raev style their hair?

Shaved on one side, hair comes down to her shoulder.

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Celosia Raev’s eye color?

Golden brown

Tattoos or Scars

Traditional Zenthian tattoos ask for good luck, wealth, that sort of thing.

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
Other Powers

Can control fire. Power can flare up when she's angry, scared, or very, very excited.

date_range History
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Celosia Raev

Character chevron_right Children link linked Celosia Raev

This character was created by Amelia on

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