info Overview
Name - What is Nova Sycancas’s full name?

Nova Sycancas

Gender - What is Nova Sycancas’s gender?


Age - How old is Nova Sycancas?

35,000 years old
Appears 24 years old

Role - What is Nova Sycancas’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Nova Sycancas go by?

The Celestial Slaughter: their mythological titles\





face Looks
Race - What is Nova Sycancas’s race?


Skin Tone

Dark brown

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nova Sycancas have?

Scars across nose bridge and cheek

Weight - How much does Nova Sycancas weigh?


Height - How tall is Nova Sycancas?


Hair Color - What color is Nova Sycancas’s hair?

Black to Purple

Hair Style - How does Nova Sycancas style their hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nova Sycancas have?


Eye Color - What is Nova Sycancas’s eye color?

One is black with a purple pupil and the other is white with a light blue pupil

headset Music
fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Nova Sycancas have?

Master of Space and Fire magic


ADHD, Depression, and Anxiety

Personality type - What personality type is Nova Sycancas?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Nova Sycancas have?

Spellcasting, Vase Making, Ender Writing

Prejudices - What prejudices does Nova Sycancas have?

Their homeplanet, old coven, and goverments

Flaws - What flaws does Nova Sycancas have?

Anger Issues
Lack of self control
Rude and Insulting

Motivations - What motivates Nova Sycancas most?

Folk Music and Lore

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nova Sycancas have?

They act very lady-like around most strangers and children, but can act salty and rude in other scenarios.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Nova Sycancas’s favorite color?

Pale Purple

Religion - What religion does Nova Sycancas practice?


Politics - What politics does Nova Sycancas have?


Occupation - What is Nova Sycancas’s occupation?

Potion Salesperson

Favorite food - What is Nova Sycancas’s favorite food?

Toffee Cookies

Favorite possession - What is Nova Sycancas’s favorite possession?

Their Wand

Favorite weapon - What is Nova Sycancas’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Nova Sycancas’s favorite animal?


info History
Education - What is Nova Sycancas’s level of education?

Understands Basic Knowelge
Self taught Witchcraft

Background - What is Nova Sycancas’s background?

Nova was a witch born on the planet Starland, throughout their life, they lived with their abusive parents. They planet was under attack by Hells, them and their friends went on an adventure to free their home. The succussed and were given the titled High Prit

Nova has been banished from their coven for rejecting The High Priestess's sister's hand in marriage and has fell in love with two other people outside their planet, they later started a war with the help oh the blood god and void goddess. After massacring the court and most of their coven, they fled to live in Zona. They later went into hiding do to rumours of people seeking

Birthday - When is Nova Sycancas’s birthday?

April 13

accessibility Clothing
device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Nova Sycancas have?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Nova Sycancas

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Nova Sycancas

Lore chevron_right Characters link linked Nova Sycancas

Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Nova Sycancas

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