info Overview
Name - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s full name?

Andrew Daniel Smith

Other names - What other aliases does Andrew Daniel Smith go by?

Andrew, Andrew Smith

Role - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s role in your story?


Age - How old is Andrew Daniel Smith?

Around 24

Gender - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Andrew Daniel Smith style their hair?

He tends to just let it do what it wants, though occasionally Lillia makes him sit down and fix it.

Hair Color - What color is Andrew Daniel Smith’s hair?


Height - How tall is Andrew Daniel Smith?

About 5'6

Weight - How much does Andrew Daniel Smith weigh?

He is of average weight

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andrew Daniel Smith have?


Body Type


Skin Tone


Race - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s race?


Eye Color - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andrew Daniel Smith have?


fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Andrew Daniel Smith have?

He tends to hold back while talking, even when he has info on the subject

Talents - What talents does Andrew Daniel Smith have?

Strong swimmer

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andrew Daniel Smith have?

Singing, reading, writing messages, swimming

Personality type - What personality type is Andrew Daniel Smith?

INFP-T (Mediator)

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s favorite color?

Sky blue or forest green

Favorite animal - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s favorite weapon?

He doesn't have much of a need for weapons, but if he DOES need one he'll pick up whatever might be useful.

Favorite possession - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s favorite possession?

When he was ten, his grandfather gave him his crescent moon key chain. He usually keeps it in his wallet. It reminds him of when he only cared for his family and the sea, and the stories his grandfather told him.

Favorite food - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s favorite food?

He could live off of barbecue/tortilla chips--figuratively, of course.

Occupation - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Andrew Daniel Smith have?

He doesn't focus on politics.

info History
Birthday - When is Andrew Daniel Smith’s birthday?

June 15th

Education - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s level of education?

College degree. Major in Math, minor in Music.

Background - What is Andrew Daniel Smith’s background?

He's an only child. His parents couldn't afford a great house so he grew up living with them and his grandfather in a two-bedroom apartment, near the beach. He was homeschooled, and spent most of his study time at the beach with his grandfather while his parents worked.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Charity on

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