info Overview
Name - What is Dane Harman’s full name?

Dane Harman

Age - How old is Dane Harman?




Other names - What other aliases does Dane Harman go by?

  • Almost everyone just calls him Dee.

  • Diana sometimes calls him "Bunnelby" in a teasing tone. He does not appear to like it.

face Looks
Hair Style - How does Dane Harman style their hair?

Curly hair in a maintained style an inch or two long. Has a full beard and a connected mustache that are a little bit unruly, but trimmed.

Hair Color - What color is Dane Harman’s hair?

Dirty blonde

Height - How tall is Dane Harman?


Weight - How much does Dane Harman weigh?

143 lbs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dane Harman have?

  • A small, white patch of skin on his forearm, about an inch in circumference.

  • A darker patch of skin on the small of his neck, which looks like a deformed rabbit's head.

  • A v-shaped birthmark in the middle of his stomach, above the navel. About two inches in diameter and matches his twin's.

Body Type

Petite but sturdy, with broad shoulders and the muscle mass mostly concentrated in his arms. Build of legs make it seem like he jogs.

Skin Tone

Slightly tanned

Eye Color - What is Dane Harman’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Dane Harman have?

  • Can dance freestyle, excellent at electro-swing. Passionate about dancing, and tends to amaze people given his clumsiness.

  • A speedrunner for several specific RPGs.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Dane Harman have?

  • Will make sharp clicking noises with his tongue to catch your attention.

  • Takes a moment or two to respond when you talk to him. Blinks twice before he replies.

  • Does not care for the "politeness" of eye contact, rarely looks at the person he is talking to unless he knows them personally. Will frequently repeat names to make it clear who he is addressing.

  • Walks in a way that reminds people of an elephant. His stride is languid and unhurried, but stable.

  • Distinct lack of environmental awareness, tripping over uneven sidewalk, curbs and cracks often enough to be called clumsy or careless.

  • Deft and practiced movements for all tasks, closing his eyes and performing them only with his hands. Keeps his head down.

  • Has a tendency to mutter to himself as he works (a reinforcement behavior for tasks).

  • Leg bouncer when he's antsy.

Motivations - What motivates Dane Harman most?

  • An improved lifestyle for his mom

Flaws - What flaws does Dane Harman have?

  • Chain smoker.

  • Caffeine addiction.

  • Struggles with low motivation.

  • Stubborn as sin.

  • Has trouble forgiving slights for the above reason.

  • Issue with entitlement.

  • Tendency to assume the worst of people.

  • Negative attitude and bias against those he's assumed the worst of.

  • Heavily stereotypes those people, and has difficulty changing his perspective on them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Dane Harman have?

  • Hobbyist painter that has learned techniques but not much execution. (Does it for fun alongside his sister.)
    -Youtube. (Posts videos of his dancing, and his speedrunning times.)

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Dane Harman’s favorite food?

Mandarin oranges.

Favorite animal - What is Dane Harman’s favorite animal?

Golden mole.

Favorite weapon - What is Dane Harman’s favorite weapon?

Favors any bludgeoning weapon that is readily available, though his favorite is the classic baseball bat. He does really like broadswords, but most of all he'd love to wield a lightstaber someday.

Favorite possession - What is Dane Harman’s favorite possession?

A little sculpture less than an inch long, that was a hand-made gift from a co-worker/good friend. It's intended to be a golden mole, with a pink nose/feet, and golden brown metallic paint.
It looks like a little turd.
It's ugly as hell.
He loves it.

Favorite color - What is Dane Harman’s favorite color?

Off-white baby blue.

info History
Birthday - When is Dane Harman’s birthday?

January 5th

Education - What is Dane Harman’s level of education?

Recently graduated with a highschool education, and is doing online courses to attempt for a degree.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • Works at an as-of-unnamed store, which is a combined tailors, clothing outlet and JoAnn's Fabric.

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This character was created by Theo B. on

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