1,232 pounds
April 27th
Faith was born as just one of elven children to a couple running a small farm in Misthold, and always wanted more for herself. Growing up she scrapped and saved and did anything she could to put coin aside so that one day she could head for Brightwitch and join The Adventurer's Guild.
Finally in her teens she was able to make it happen, sneaking out in the night and heading north through Mor Rhoding to the town of Chillhallow. While the town was owned by The Crystal River Academy and they weren't on the greatest terms with the Adventurer's Guild, Faith knew they would help her. And they did, providing her passage to Brightwitch when they heard of her plans.
From there Faith was able to join the ranks of the Guild and quickly proved herself to be a skilled warrior with a passion for knowledge. Her home town had little to offer in the way of an education but she wanted to learn, she wanted to know more. So while she honed her combat skills for real combat she also studied and learned everything she could to feed that love.
Now more than capable of handling herself in physical battle as well as one of wits, Faith is one of the Guild's most valuable members.
This character was created by Sigilmancy on
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