info Overview
Name - What is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones’s full name?

Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones

Role - What is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones’s role in your story?

the dumbass, the fancy one, the charmer.

Other names - What other aliases does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones go by?

Lyn, his parents call him LJ.

Gender and sexuality

cis man (he/him,) pansexual allo.

Age - How old is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones?

17y 8mo.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones weigh?


Height - How tall is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones?

6' and he lords it over everyone's heads.

Hair Color - What color is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones style their hair?

he has locs he wears in a bun usually; when they're down they go barely past his shoulders.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

none, but he does help Pluto pencil theirs in realistically.

Eye Color - What is Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones’s eye color?

dark brown.

Race + Ethnicity

african american.

Skin Tone

dark cool toned brown.

Body Type

thin, not fragile but not very built either. soft enough for a comfy hug.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

a mole above his upper lip on the left side, freckles across his nose. he has an eyebrow piercing on the left side as well.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

he talks with his hands but in the businessman way if he's nervous, or in the emphatic way if he's excited. he dance-walks, lost in thought unless something specific gets his attention. deer in headlights look if you call his name. he'll sing songs to himself if he's focused on something, he sings in the shower, he sings to help him remember the grocery list, he sings when he's bored or to break the silence. he has a low speaking voice but his singing voice has good range. he's a very good driver and he can usually handle himself well in any situation. he is, in grandma speak, "a promising young man, but I worry sometimes...."

Motivations - What motivates Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones most?

to have fun. it seems shallow but this man is a hedonist in all aspects. he loves food, he loves people, he loves activity. he doesn't necessarily care where he is or what he's doing as long as everything makes for memories he can fall asleep smiling at.

Flaws - What flaws does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

he hates being alone. part of his commitment issues stems from doing almost anything to be with someone, then regretting it as soon as his mind clears. he craves commitment, but he's waiting for someone else to do it for him and ducking out when they don't guess how to do it right. This plays out very clearly with Eva Martinez and his relationship with her, although (shh) it will work out in the end.

he can also be rather naive. being raised as wealthy and respected as he was, he knows the value of certain things but not the appropriate context to break them out (e.x. buying planning to move in with someone too soon, buying expensive gifts for acquaintances, etc.)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

he's honestly pretty open-minded. although he tends to default to a sort of relaxed rich boy way of acting and he puts a lot of personal importance on custom, he's also very individualistic and slow to judge. usually quite a peaceful guy. I would say the only line he really draws is people punching down. as for personal pet peeves, he hates mixed messages or flakes.

Talents - What talents does Lewellyn Plantagenet-Jones have?

he's very much an effortless people-pleaser. words just come out nicer from his mouth, especially to adults. he's nice to be around- polite, adaptable, pleasant.

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