info Overview
Name - What is Collyn Harris’s full name?

Collyn Harris

Full Name

Collyn Joel Harris

Meaning of Name

Collyn- Scottish; "Puppy; Young Hound"
Joel- English; "Yahweh is God"
Harris- English; "Son of Harry"

Age - How old is Collyn Harris?


Birthday - When is Collyn Harris’s birthday?

March 28th,

Gender - What is Collyn Harris’s gender?




School Grade

10th grade as of Leonis
11th grade as of Forensic 2

face Looks
pets Looks
chat_bubble_outline Personality
fingerprint Traits
groups Social
Relationship with Best Friends

Chester White
Ike Atwood
Leopold Young
Myer Parks
Stephen Adebisi

Relationship with Friends

Basil Magro
Brook Thomas
Dakota McKinney
Frane Hudson
Gordon Hughes
Herbert Greene
Jude Taylor
Robin Baum
Rocco Baum

Relationship with Love Interests

Willbur Saab

Relationship Other Notable Relations

Jack Perez
Louis Perez
Niner Sharp

device_hub Family
Relationship With Parents

Mother (Deceased)
Nikolas Harris (Father) (Deceased)

Relationship With Siblings

James Harris (Older Brother)
Evan Harris (Older Brother)

Relationship With Other Notable Relatives

Aunt 1 (dads side)
Aunt 2 (dads side)
Ya-Ya (Grandmother, dads side)

date_range Background

Saint Jude, Port Jasper, Lutora

Languages Spoken



Modern Lutrin

timeline Arcs
format_quote Quotes
local_hospital Physical Health
account_circle Mental Health
lightbulb_outline Headcanons
find_in_page Trivia
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Collyn Harris

Character chevron_right Best Friends link linked Collyn Harris

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Collyn Harris

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