info Overview
Name - What is Barley'Star’s full name?


Role - What is Barley'Star’s role in your story?

Chief Warrior of the Oak Dynasty

Gender - What is Barley'Star’s gender?


Age - How old is Barley'Star?

59 Moons

face Looks
Weight - How much does Barley'Star weigh?

She is one of the more heavier cats thanks to her thick fur, especially when its soaked in water, but she manages just fine.

Height - How tall is Barley'Star?

Among the other cats in her clan, she is actually quite small, so much so that she is the shortest leader out of the three.

Fur Color

She has mottled grey fur with a somewhat orange hue.

Fur Style

Her hair is thick in volume, yet its normally swept back and proper.

Eye Color - What is Barley'Star’s eye color?

She has deep, dark brown eyes which are rather large in shape, her constant soft look on her face however makes them look more slanted.

Race - What is Barley'Star’s race?

Barley'Star's breed is a Ragamuffin.

Skin Tone

Her skin is a light, dusty pink.

Body Type

Her fur makes her look chubby, but in fact she has quite a slim and lean build underneath her thick fur.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Barley'Star have?

Her most identifying features is her round, soft square like face, small ears and a large mane wrapped around her neck and chest.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Barley'Star have?

Barley'Star, when impressed by someone or something, with stroke her mane with her paw. When concerned or surprised, she will purse her lips.

Flaws - What flaws does Barley'Star have?

Despite her being an amazing leader, she's a bit too friendly and trusting. One day, its probably going to land her, and maybe even her clan, in trouble.

Talents - What talents does Barley'Star have?

Barley'Star is quite skilled at cheering others up and breaking conflict. Thanks to her, the two other leaders ended up not fighting each other, which could've started a war between their clans.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Barley'Star have?

Barley'Star quite enjoys watching the sunset when she can, she also quite enjoys being there for other cats when they need it, it brings her joy to see her friends and/or clanmates having smiles on their faces.

Personality type - What personality type is Barley'Star?

Barley'Star is normally described as elegant, yet enthusiastic and airy. To younger cats, she can come off as an almost perfect leader, to the older cats that know her better however, she would be best described as a very enthusiastic yet calm cat.


Barley'Star has no conditions.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Barley'Star practice?

Like the majority of the cats living in the Dynasties, Barley'Star well believes in the Celestial Dynasty.

Favorite food - What is Barley'Star’s favorite food?

Barley'Star seems to enjoy eating rich-filled squirrels, but her favorite breed of squirrel to eat would be the Douglas Squirrel.

Favorite possession - What is Barley'Star’s favorite possession?

Her favorite possession is most likely a slim yet long, worn piece of log given to her by Vanilla'Star, who gave her this smallish log to help her vent her frustrations.

Job - What job does Barley'Star have?

She is currently the chief of the Oak Dynasty.



date_range History
Education - What is Barley'Star’s level of education?

This will be written in soon.

Background - What is Barley'Star’s background?

This will be written in soon.

device_hub Family
edit Notes

Barley'Star is a NPC played by the Dungeon Master.

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