info Overview
Name - What is Ashbel Queens’s full name?

Ashbel Queens

Role - What is Ashbel Queens’s role in your story?

A little innocent neko boy

Other names - What other aliases does Ashbel Queens go by?


Gender - What is Ashbel Queens’s gender?


Age - How old is Ashbel Queens?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ashbel Queens weigh?

89 pounds

Height - How tall is Ashbel Queens?


Hair Color - What color is Ashbel Queens’s hair?

Light blond

Hair Style - How does Ashbel Queens style their hair?

Messy, sorta long

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ashbel Queens have?


Eye Color - What is Ashbel Queens’s eye color?

Jade green

Skin Tone


Body Type

VERY skinny - disease skinny

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ashbel Queens have?

Cat ears, strikingly green eyes

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ashbel Queens have?

Very quiet, only talks to defend Jake Queens, really

Motivations - What motivates Ashbel Queens most?

To preserve the little life he has left

Flaws - What flaws does Ashbel Queens have?

His sickness (look below)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ashbel Queens have?


Talents - What talents does Ashbel Queens have?

Very persuasive when he talks

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ashbel Queens have?


Personality type - What personality type is Ashbel Queens?

Sorta depressed


He has daemonal variant B, a disease that eats your DNA/magic until you die. He has around 5 months left.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Ashbel Queens practice?


Politics - What politics does Ashbel Queens have?


Occupation - What is Ashbel Queens’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Ashbel Queens’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ashbel Queens’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Ashbel Queens’s favorite possession?

He's sorta homeless soooo

Favorite weapon - What is Ashbel Queens’s favorite weapon?

Doesn't fight, so probably just his fists

Favorite animal - What is Ashbel Queens’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Ashbel Queens have?

Still homeless

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ashbel Queens’s birthday?

July 22nd, 2008

Education - What is Ashbel Queens’s level of education?

Up to 5th grade, then he was presumed missing, so 2 years of no education

Background - What is Ashbel Queens’s background?

A little boy who lived a human life until 5th grade, when it was found out he's a neko, along with his best friend Jake Queens. The two boys hid away, unaware of what they were, and have been homeless for the past two years. They've lived by thievery and sleeping in abandoned buildings and alleys. He has a disease, daemonal variant B, which eats his cells and his magic. At the time of the first book, he has 5 months left.

device_hub Family
edit Notes

He's so cute. Make him say "nya~" or meow.

favorite Sexuality
Sexual Identification


Sexual Orientation


pets Species


book Story

A little boy who lived a human life. In third grade, he and Jake Queens felt an unnatural pull towards each other and became best friends. They lived normally until 5th grade, when it was found out he's a neko, along with Jake. The two boys hid away, unaware of what they were, and have been homeless for the past two years. They've lived by thievery and sleeping in abandoned buildings and alleys. He has a disease, daemonic variant B, which eats his cells and his magic which will eventually kill him. At the time of the first book, he has 5 months left.


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