info Overview
Name - What is Benjamin Thomson’s full name?

Benjamin Thomson

Role - What is Benjamin Thomson’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Benjamin Thomson go by?


Gender - What is Benjamin Thomson’s gender?


Age - How old is Benjamin Thomson?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Benjamin Thomson?


Hair Color - What color is Benjamin Thomson’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Benjamin Thomson’s eye color?

Light Blue

Race - What is Benjamin Thomson’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Benjamin Thomson have?

Kind and caring.

Motivations - What motivates Benjamin Thomson most?

Avenging his brother's death and justice.

Flaws - What flaws does Benjamin Thomson have?

Overly friendly and talkative. Sometimes makes jokes without thinking through how someone might take them.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Benjamin Thomson have?


Talents - What talents does Benjamin Thomson have?

Making people laugh and smile. Basically a fictional Thomas Nichols. Basically a fictional combination of Noah Sanders and Thomas Nichols.

Personality type - What personality type is Benjamin Thomson?





Losing the rebellion to the man responsible for the death of his baby brother.

Divergent Faction

Dauntless and Amity.

groups Social
Job - What job does Benjamin Thomson have?

Rebel for Legion 51.


Conservative Republican

date_range History
Birthday - When is Benjamin Thomson’s birthday?

August Twelfth

Background - What is Benjamin Thomson’s background?

Benjamin Thomson grew up with his twin brother, Joel Thomson. He was raised by his parents. He became very passionate about fighting against Cyrus Ross after the death of his brother.
He joined the Revolutionaries, but couldn’t stand the way they tortured and killed Loyalists without a second thought.

He, Joel Thomson, and Nicholas Smith were placed under the authority of Cassian Ansley. He was with his friends the night they found Corena Wilson in the woods…

edit Notes

His father, Luke Thomson, was a doctor. His baby brother died because his father couldn't get the medicine he needed because of Cyrus Ross. He is fighting against Ross to avenge his brother's death.



folder_open Romantic
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