Isis is somewhat of a mystery, having served with The Sovereign Galen for as long as anyone can remember.
The reality is that they were the first of the mystics the Sovereign Galen found. A wandering individual, their dreams overwhelming and their transformations brutal. They were brought to the Sovereign Galen's attention when they were seen on the edge of Tavnoin.
The Sovereign Galen took Isis in, helping them make sense of their condition, keeping them safe when the transformations hit. But exactly what they were remained a mystery, even to the Sovereign Galen. For over a thousand years Isis hasn't aged, sitting at the side of the Sovereign Galen and quietly lending the aid of their prophetic dreams.
Like all those serving the Sovereign Galen, Isis was rescued by Zaela and her adventuring group and cured of the transformations. They, however, were less than enthused about the death of the Sovereign Galen and Zaela subsequently taking up the mantle. Unlike many of the others he chose not to serve with her, going back to wandering in hopes of finding the answers they were never able to get by staying put.
This character was created by Sigilmancy on
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