info Overview
Name - What is James Blackwood’s full name?

James Blackwood

Name etymology

James is a Hebrew name that means supplanter


March 14, 1896

Age - How old is James Blackwood?

35 (At death) (Appears in early 30s; his happiest time)

Race - What is James Blackwood’s race?


Former human (Clairvoyant)

Gender - What is James Blackwood’s gender?




Role - What is James Blackwood’s role in your story?

Founder of the bureau and one of the first to call himself a Clairvoyant

face Looks


Height - How tall is James Blackwood?


Hair Color - What color is James Blackwood’s hair?

Raven black

Eye Color - What is James Blackwood’s eye color?

Dark brown

Skin Tone


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does James Blackwood have?

  • A scar on his right cheek

chat Voice and footsteps
local_offer Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is James Blackwood?

James was not fearful of death. He got bitten by many things to fill his book. He almost died on multiple occasions. He was careless and reckless, using himself as a shield. He was also helpful. He was a very just man, well-rounded and sweet.

Prejudices - What prejudices does James Blackwood have?

His main prejudice is against demons and hellhounds. He also doesn't like people who work with demons (Like warlocks). Also doesn't like the fae

healing Conditions
date_range History
device_hub Family
power Abilities

He has something called clairvoyance or rarely the second sight.

Basically, like all Clairvoyant, he can see the supernatural unlike "normal" humans. Most Clairvoyant think their insane, have hallucinations or schizophrenia.

It's not power but thought I’d just put it here. I’ll elaborate on it more in a Clairvoyant document. Here Clairvoyant

headset Quotes
audiotrack Music
border_color Trivia

He wrote sporadically and made some words sound similar like Hunted and Haunted

He preached not to follow your director in his steps but to follow your heart

edit Notes

Art credit to Icon maker by lulljevic on Picrew

James Blackwood appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Best friends link linked James Blackwood

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked James Blackwood

Character chevron_right Friends link linked James Blackwood

Location chevron_right Residents link linked James Blackwood

Location chevron_right Past leaders link linked James Blackwood

This character was created by Livs like playing around with literary techniques on

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