info Overview
Name - What is Lione Moui’s full name?

Lione Moui

Role - What is Lione Moui’s role in your story?

Angry Soldier

Other names - What other aliases does Lione Moui go by?


Gender - What is Lione Moui’s gender?

Transmasc-- he/him


demiaro pan

Age - How old is Lione Moui?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Lione Moui weigh?

183 lbs

Height - How tall is Lione Moui?


Hair Color - What color is Lione Moui’s hair?

Coal black

Hair Style - How does Lione Moui style their hair?

Long all around, generally unkempt and shaggy. Probably needs to comb it more than he does.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lione Moui have?


Eye Color - What is Lione Moui’s eye color?

A stunning ruby red

Race - What is Lione Moui’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Lightly muscled through intense work with the military. Almost a pear shape.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lione Moui have?

A long scar on his left eyebrow that makes a slit in it, and the crazy earrings he'll wear.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Lione Moui have?

In all honesty, he's rude. He will interrupt for any reason. He doesn't hold himself over anyone despite acting like it. In fact, he considers himself less than everyone.

Motivations - What motivates Lione Moui most?

Freedom from the military and the ability to live his own life.

Flaws - What flaws does Lione Moui have?

Blatant apathy and a lack of direction. It takes a lot to get him emotionally vulnerable, so for that same reason, doesn't make friends easily, nor does he do well in leadership positions. His close relationships are purely familial, or through those that have been with him for years.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lione Moui have?

He actually despises royalty, and pretty much anyone who is above him in power. He'd plan to overthrow the king for "shits and giggles" but actually go through with it.

Talents - What talents does Lione Moui have?

Great at deceiving and lying. Actually pretty good at mathematics and the sciences.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lione Moui have?

Gunshooting, hiding, ironically playing chess, and does mechanics work as a side gig.


BPD and a few other personality disorders that effect his apathy. Has been hospitalized for it twice.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Lione Moui’s occupation?

Soldier, trained mechanic

Job - What job does Lione Moui have?

A "freelance" mechanic who basically goes around in his neighborhood and does simple things to cars for parts and money. A soldier who isn't exactly great at being a soldier and takes mental health leave a lot.

star Magic
What is their species?

A Shapeshifter

What is their Magic like?

Can transform into any large mammal. Prefers wolves and bears cus he's edgy like that lmao. Mostly transforms against his will because he never bothered to learn how to control it.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Lione Moui’s birthday?

April 16

Education - What is Lione Moui’s level of education?

No higher education

Background - What is Lione Moui’s background?

Born to two Shapeshifters who had moved illegally to Roshtha in order to capitalize on Visoners. They ended up having Lione, which brought attention to them from a lot of government officials, due to having the child at a hospital. Once Lione was healthy enough, they were moved to Irina. They lived there for a few years, then moved to one of the residential areas of Isla where he grew up. In his time at Isla, he dropped out of school due to bullying, ran away several times (his parents were drug addicts and emotionally distant), and eventually ended up assaulting a bully who had found where he lived. He attended juvy for two years (at age 15) after pleading not guilty on accounts of self defense. Once released from juvy, he joined the army at 18 in order to not return home, and has been part of it since.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

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