info Overview
Name - What is Amura Landing Mace’s full name?

Amura Landing Mace

Role - What is Amura Landing Mace’s role in your story?

Main character/Brains of the Braves

Other names - What other aliases does Amura Landing Mace go by?

Firecracker (Javin)

Gender - What is Amura Landing Mace’s gender?


Age - How old is Amura Landing Mace?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Amura Landing Mace weigh?


Height - How tall is Amura Landing Mace?


Hair Color - What color is Amura Landing Mace’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Amura Landing Mace style their hair?

Medium length, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Amura Landing Mace have?


Eye Color - What is Amura Landing Mace’s eye color?

Steel grey

Race - What is Amura Landing Mace’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Amura Landing Mace have?

Three scars on left cheek
Scar just above her hip

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Amura Landing Mace have?

Twirls her hair a lot
Bites her lip when uncomfortable
Always tense/ on edge when in unfamiliar settings

Motivations - What motivates Amura Landing Mace most?

Her love for her friends and her "family" at the station

Flaws - What flaws does Amura Landing Mace have?

Can be over analytical
Can be single minded
Obsesive when faced with a challenge that she can't figure out

Talents - What talents does Amura Landing Mace have?

Problem Solving
Attention to Detail

Hobbies - What hobbies does Amura Landing Mace have?

Martial Arts

Personality type - What personality type is Amura Landing Mace?

She is usually seen as a cold, overly logical person with



groups Social
Occupation - What is Amura Landing Mace’s occupation?

Student (she becomes a paralegal)

Favorite color - What is Amura Landing Mace’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Amura Landing Mace’s favorite food?

Anything sweet

Favorite possession - What is Amura Landing Mace’s favorite possession?

Photo of her and her guardian, Chief Craig Maddison

Favorite weapon - What is Amura Landing Mace’s favorite weapon?

Gun. Specifically a Glock 19

Favorite animal - What is Amura Landing Mace’s favorite animal?

Dog or horse

Role in Story

Strategist; She is basically the glue that holds the team together, and despite having no powers, is considered by most to be the most important member of the team. She also provides insight into the inner workings of the super-abled movement from the perspective of a non-super-abled person.

Character Arc

In the beginning, she doesn't really trust anyone. She often thinks back on what she can remember of her parents and wonders why they never came back for her/searched for her. This fules a lot of insecurities to the point that she convinces herself that others will just be disappointed in her, therefore causing her to

date_range History
Birthday - When is Amura Landing Mace’s birthday?

July 4

Current Residence

Education - What is Amura Landing Mace’s level of education?

Currently a Sophmore, but goes on to graduate colledge

Background - What is Amura Landing Mace’s background?

When she was four years old, she separated from her parents during the Balwater Strip Mall Shooting. A day later, she was found hiding under a display case by a local law inforcement officer, Alois Althea, who was investigating the scene. She had suffered three deep cuts to her left cheek (one was suspected to be caused by a stray bullet) and a bullet lodged in her side, and was immediatly taken to Harvey-Landing General Hospital. During her recovery, a search ensued for her parents. Despite an extensive search, no trace of them was found. By the time she had fully recovered, she had formed a close friendship with Althea's daughter and created bonds with many of the officers working on her case. An officer who was involved in her rescue, Craig Maddison, applied for and was granted custody of her a month before she turned five years old. She was often plagued with nightmares, to the point that she ended up staying at the police station where Maddison worked most nights. As she grew older, she ended up spending so much time at the station that she was given a room there and was treated like a daughter by all the staff. Maddison has since been promoted to Chief, and although he is one of over twenty people she calls her family, he is the only one (besides Officer Althea) who she would consider her father.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Amura Landing Mace have?

None, but she wants a dog.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Amura Landing Mace

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This character was created by Daylene on

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