info Overview
Name - What is Max Adkins’s full name?

Max Adkins

Role - What is Max Adkins’s role in your story?

the caretaker, the one who has it figured out (at least at present)

Other names - What other aliases does Max Adkins go by?


Gender and sexuality

nonbinary (he/she/they with a strong preference for they,) trixic (nblw)

Age - How old is Max Adkins?

16y 11mo

face Looks
Weight - How much does Max Adkins weigh?


Height - How tall is Max Adkins?


Hair Color - What color is Max Adkins’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Max Adkins style their hair?

in a giant floof. they don't care if it's frizzy or spiky, it lives in a halo around their head at all times.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Max Adkins have?


Eye Color - What is Max Adkins’s eye color?

arctic blue

Race + Ethnicity

they're a PWA.

Skin Tone

ruddy pinkish peach with moles in lots of places.

Body Type

they're short and fairly stocky.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Max Adkins have?

the aforementioned moles, callouses from working with rope.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Max Adkins have?

they're fairly quiet unless spoken to. social butterfly though they may be they value the energy of people more than the content of a conversation. they usually sit with their legs bowed in, hands clasped together between their thighs. they also wave a lot. they have a tendency to jump which may or may not just be to look as tall as the girls. they look through their bag a lot to make sure everything's still there and they push their glasses up often. they have a very contagious smile with lots of teeth shown.

Motivations - What motivates Max Adkins most?

to Live. out of all the h012 they're the most motivated by life itself. they want to experience improvement, build a life, reach their goals, and have an honestly full existence. they're also motivated by the idea of Mending, taking little pieces and bringing them together into something whole.

Flaws - What flaws does Max Adkins have?

they can be very sensitive and, while they don't really care if they get under people's skin by being honest, they can easily agree to things in one on one conversations that they wouldn't otherwise. they like people, sometimes too much.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Max Adkins have?

not many, they're very live and let live.

Talents - What talents does Max Adkins have?

giving pragmatic advice, staying motivated, self-care, self-neutrality, + emotional honesty. (yeah I know we took a full left turn from Pluto)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Max Adkins have?

making people gifts, fixing/sewing clothes, singing, probably baking but in a burn the house down kind of way.

Personality type - What personality type is Max Adkins?

taurus sun aries moon virgo rising, isfj and their love language is acts of service.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Max Adkins practice?

I hc they were raised christian but obviously being nb they have mostly disavowed that.... chapter. that gives reason to some of their quirks/habits though and they probably still pray when in distress. this is less often since they've learned how to cope with stress and they hate slipping up into praying in the first place. however they're currently an atheist/agnostic, not practicing any religion or spirituality.

Politics - What politics does Max Adkins have?

politics.... is very stressful for Max so they tend to avoid it where they can. however if you pressed them on it they'd be center-left (not like democrat, like actual center-left. american politics is screwed.)

Occupation - What is Max Adkins’s occupation?

they really hope to have their own small business someday, whether that be a library or a tailoring company or a bakery/cafe they aren't sure.

Favorite color - What is Max Adkins’s favorite color?

red, white, brown.

Favorite food - What is Max Adkins’s favorite food?

anything soft + squishy i.e. mochi, boba, dango, etc. they just like textures and sugar JFDKFGSDH.

Favorite possession - What is Max Adkins’s favorite possession?

stuffed animals, blankets, sweaters, sewing kits.

Favorite weapon - What is Max Adkins’s favorite weapon?

they don't like fighting, if they had to fight they'd want a spear/javelin.

Favorite animal - What is Max Adkins’s favorite animal?

a fox or red panda.

Job - What job does Max Adkins have?

they work at a thrift store.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Max Adkins’s birthday?

april 24th

Education - What is Max Adkins’s level of education?

they're going into senior year (yes a baby I know)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes


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