info Overview
Name - What is Mevia Cross’s full name?

Mevia Cross

Role - What is Mevia Cross’s role in your story?

She's a badass monster hunter, and has a skill for fighting more paranormal creatures such as ghosts, demons, and vampires, instead of giant beasts. Mevia is good at understanding and working with others, so she would most likely be taking on more of a leadership or offensive role.

Other names - What other aliases does Mevia Cross go by?

"The Ghost Demolisher"

Gender - What is Mevia Cross’s gender?


Age - How old is Mevia Cross?



Mevia is pansexual, and demiromantic

Astrology Chart

Sun= Aires
Moon= Gemini
Acendant= Aires
Mercury= Capricorn

face Looks
Race and Ethnicity


Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Mevia Cross?


Weight - How much does Mevia Cross weigh?

150 lbs

Hair Color - What color is Mevia Cross’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Mevia Cross style their hair?

Long, thick, straight hair, which is usually messy and knotted up into a bun.

Eye Color - What is Mevia Cross’s eye color?

Chocolate brown

Body Type

Athletic Triangle

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Mevia Cross have?

A skull tattoo on her left shoulder.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Mevia Cross?

A chill, and confident badass, with a sweet and caring side. And her alignment is chaotic neutral/evil.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Mevia Cross have?

-Uses a falling inflection while speaking out loud, usually sounding kind of intimidating.
-Often Tends to Whisper or speak a quiet voice.
-Sighs often
-Bites lower lip or nails when nervous.
-Tilts head when listening
-Raises eyebrows to usually grasp attention
-Clenches teeth and or fists when pissed
-Traces over scars without thinking
-Taps a finger, or foot when annoyed.
-Good at making and keeping eye contact
-Quickly wiggles fingers subconsciously before lying
-Shifts weight from one foot to another
-Sits with legs slightly apart
-Always making sure she has everything

Flaws - What flaws does Mevia Cross have?

-She is a little too daring, Mevia is pretty much fearless to the point it puts herself and others in a lot of danger.
-She can be very manipulative, and abuses her persuasive abilities.
-Secretly enjoys to play games with people to get what she wants.
-She can be trustworthy with most things at first, but might use you or stab you in the back with reason.
-Doesn't know how to cope with other people's emotions, so she just ignores them until she gets the chance to go over them.
-Quick temper and little patience.
-And is kind of narrow minded.


Has insomnia and is highly sensitive to light.

Motivations - What motivates Mevia Cross most?

Mevia hates to admit it, but she needs people close in her life. When she is working with a group or organization, she is very loyal and hardworking. Her main goal is to find her brother, and that's what motivates her to keep traveling. Mevia loves to be rewarded, but who doesn't? She will complete any task for a nice meal, place to sleep, or new equipment. She usually will not help others if they do not plan on rewarding her. Love, rewards, and responsibilities are her biggest motivations.

Talents - What talents does Mevia Cross have?

-Killing, killing, and more killing. Using swords and magical artifacts.

-Good at working with others and by herself.

-Using the powers of Manipulation

-Cooking good food

-Naturally good at singing, but doesn't sing

-She is the best cuddling buddy

-Can hear very well

Hobbies - What hobbies does Mevia Cross have?

Training, monster hunting, writting, exploring, and dancing.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Mevia Cross practice?

She is an omnist

Occupation - What is Mevia Cross’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Mevia Cross’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Mevia Cross’s favorite possession?

Her sword, "Ghost Reaver"

Favorite weapon - What is Mevia Cross’s favorite weapon?

Ghost Reaver

Favorite animal - What is Mevia Cross’s favorite animal?

Crows, Ravens, Blackbirds, and Hawks.

Job - What job does Mevia Cross have?

She mainly hunts ghosts and other monsters that require unique skills and equipment.

date_range History
Background - What is Mevia Cross’s background?

Born and raised in Grim Valley, she is known as a rule breaker and a trouble maker. Eversince she was little she would sneak out and explore the dark world, never making it far of course. Lucky for her, she would get caught by her older brother, Kyle, before anything bad happened to her. As she got older, she began to learn more about monsters, magical artifacts, and more about her environment. Then, she began training on her free time, and caught up with Kyle's skill level. They practiced everyday together, and became partners in crime.

Her father is an alcoholic, and she barely knows her mother and if she's even alive. Mevia and Kyle were physically and emotionally abused, and they teamed up to kill their father out of spite, punishing him for his mistakes... That was their first kill, and the most painful one too, the one that they regretted the most. Their father was just sick, maybe they could've cured him instead.

Many years later, she ran away to search for her missing brother. While traveling she acquired her most beloved weapon the Ghost Reaver. It's a giant sword that can hit all entities, although it may not be as strong as other weapons.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

-Hates the cold

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Mevia Cross

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Mevia Cross

This character was created by Zoe the GM on

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