info Overview
Name - What is Seaslug’s full name?


Role - What is Seaslug’s role in your story?

Main OC

Other names - What other aliases does Seaslug go by?

Sea, Slug, Chub, Mrs. Slug (Chaos)

Gender - What is Seaslug’s gender?


Age - How old is Seaslug?

5 (13)

face Looks
Height - How tall is Seaslug?


Eye Color - What is Seaslug’s eye color?

Dark Blue haze

Race - What is Seaslug’s race?


Scale Colour

She is covered in dark cobalt with grayish undertones. Her extra dorsal fins are turquoise with hints of silver.

Body Type

'Slug is a petite SeaWing with a chubby belly, tail, and legs.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Seaslug have?

'Slug has bright orange glow scales that cover her entire body.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Seaslug have?

'Slug is reserved and quiet. She would rather sit in the corner at a party than talk or move. Even though it would seem she has anxiety she is actually very social around her friends but in her own way. 'Slug acts bored and usually knows the answer to a problem before anyone else because she listens more than she talks. She prefers to stick with the silence so that she may know the dragon better than anyone else because she listens instead of interrupts.

Motivations - What motivates Seaslug most?

Seaslug is largely self based as she would do anything for herself but her motives are usually low. She would, however, hesitate to help a stranger, but a friend is nonnegotiable. Even still, she mostly does things because she is forced into them by her companions.

Flaws - What flaws does Seaslug have?

Seaslug is quiet and can easily become lost in her own thoughts and fail at simple tasks. She usually overthinks easy tasks, but the more something utilises her brain power, the more emersed in it she is.

Talents - What talents does Seaslug have?

Seaslug is a good listener as well as a good detective.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Seaslug have?

Seaslug is accustomed to long naps and puzzles but is occasionally seen enjoying an activity that her friends shoved her into.

Personality type - What personality type is Seaslug?

Seaslug is reserved and observant, but a bit of an overthinker.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Seaslug’s occupation?

Seaslug is a apprentice to a pearl-catcher, Snail.

Favorite color - What is Seaslug’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Seaslug’s favorite food?

Lightly salted salmon

Favorite possession - What is Seaslug’s favorite possession?

Two earrings she received from her cousin, Angler, before he died.

Favorite animal - What is Seaslug’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Seaslug’s birthday?

July 31

Education - What is Seaslug’s level of education?

Seaslug is halfway through her education.

Background - What is Seaslug’s background?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Seaslug likes roasted cockroaches.


This character was created by Cloud the SeaWing on

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