info Overview
Name - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s full name?

Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan

Role - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s role in your story?

Main Character

Other names - What other aliases does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan go by?

Rommie, Rowan, Andromeda

Gender - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s gender?


Age - How old is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan weigh?


Height - How tall is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan?


Hair Color - What color is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan style their hair?

Short, straight, thick

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?


Eye Color - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s eye color?

Deep Blue

Race - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s race?


Skin Tone

Very Pale White

Body Type

skinny, thin

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

Cobra tattoo behind her left ear

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?


Motivations - What motivates Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan most?


Flaws - What flaws does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

Quick to assume

Prejudices - What prejudices does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

Dislikes people who bully

Talents - What talents does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

Intelligence, Speed, Bird-Calls, Stealth

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

She likes sewing, but isn't very good. She also carves birds and animals out of wood.

Personality type - What personality type is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan?

Adorable lol cinnamon rolll


no conditions

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan practice?


Politics - What politics does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

She is too young to have political opinions

Occupation - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s occupation?

No job

Favorite color - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s favorite color?

Darker Lavender

Favorite food - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s favorite food?

Spagetti and Pesto

Favorite possession - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s favorite possession?

Her dirty pink stuffed animal that contains the ghost of her sister. Who died protecting her from their parents.

Favorite weapon - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s favorite weapon?

A small very intricate dagger.

Favorite animal - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s favorite animal?

A dragon

Job - What job does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

Hunter, Carver, Gatherer

date_range History
Birthday - When is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s birthday?

The 7th month's 4th day.

Education - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s level of education?

She has finished Highschool

Background - What is Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan’s background?

Parents died when she was young. She was self-raised on the streets. Hunts and finds food in the woods. Doesn't resort to stealing. EVER.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Andromeda "Rommie" Echo Rowan have?

She has a small ferret named Snake.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

no notes

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