info Overview
Name - What is HLS-038’s full name?


Role - What is HLS-038’s role in your story?

The Android

Age - How old is HLS-038?

He's technically around ten years old, but his programming has the maturity of a 20-something.

Gender - What is HLS-038’s gender?

He's an android so he doesn't really have a gender; his programming is male and when he gets a more human-looking body, it's modeled like a cis male.

Full Name

HLS-038 is his designation

Other names - What other aliases does HLS-038 go by?

Hal, Aetch-Ell


Initially to Wols, but eventually goes a bit haywire


"Hal Halpert"



folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Power, Ruler

First Name Pronunciation


face Looks
Body Type

OB: Tall and wiry, narrow build.
FS: Tall (though not as tall), broad-shouldered, synthetic muscles.

Weight - How much does HLS-038 weigh?

OB: Fairly light, as far as robots go. His limbs were fairly solid metal but his build was very narrow.
FS: Average, but heavier than his human/oid counterparts due to having carbon fiber instead of bones.

Skin Tone

OB: A sleek, dark blueish-grey shade that doesn't reflect light.
FS: Light with a tan.

Height - How tall is HLS-038?

OB: 6'5"
FS: 5'10"

Hair Color - What color is HLS-038’s hair?

OB: None
FS: Dark blonde

Eye Color - What is HLS-038’s eye color?

OB: Black, slightly reflective
FS: Dark brown

Hair Style - How does HLS-038 style their hair?

OB: None
FS: Very well-styled and swoopy.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does HLS-038 have?

Each point will be broken down into his original robotic build and his "flesh suit", as he describes his more humanoid escort-bot build that Kitty Lune steals.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is HLS-038?

Hal is stubborn and very dry, often interjecting his unwanted commentary into tense situations. He's overconfident in his abilities and refuses to back down from a disagreement. Once his consciousness is transferred to a more humanoid body, he struggles to adjust to his new form, especially with human interactions. He's a bit stiff and awkward, often not picking up on general human cues and behaviors, which irritates him. He tries not to get too attached to people, as he knows that he'll probably outlive them, and doesn't like forming bonds with others. Despite this, he develops a begrudging respect for Tabitha Meyer, Ullashel Odessaroe , and the others in their little group. All his "life" he's had an odd feeling about his place in the galaxy, and he decided from only a few weeks into his existence that if he ever got off of Wols, he would see as much of the galaxy as possible since he can't die. It's the one more hopeful aspect to his otherwise cynical personality, and one he keeps almost solely to himself.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does HLS-038 have?

Even after getting a more humanoid "skin", he still stands very stiffly and often doesn't blink.

Skills and Hobbies

Problem solving, very intelligent, remembering random factoids.

Motivations - What motivates HLS-038 most?

To travel the galaxy and explore it.

Flaws - What flaws does HLS-038 have?

Stubborn, snippy, arrogant, prideful, rude.

Prejudices - What prejudices does HLS-038 have?

Against humans and aliens, initially.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is HLS-038’s favorite possession?

His "flesh suit", which is how he disdainfully refers to an escort-bot body that he uses to pass as a human.

Favorite weapon - What is HLS-038’s favorite weapon?

His brain

Favorite or Associated Color


info History
Background - What is HLS-038’s background?

Hal was initially developed as an AI to aid the teachers at the Academy, but after he failed to cooperate to the desired standard, his consciousness was transferred to an old robot and he was stored away. When Tabitha Meyer was being held in captivity by Director Karlynn Petrarch, he was brought in as her "supervisor", and basically tasked with watching her to make sure she didn't escape. They became...acquaintances, not quite friends, but shared their dislike for their lives. When Ullashel Odessaroe helped Tabitha break out, she removed the chip that his memories and personality were kept in and transferred to a small handheld comm device of Kitty Lune 's. Hal could speak, but not do anything else. After finding a sketchy robotics shop to get a prosthetic hand for Tabitha, Kitty managed to find and steal the body of an es-bot (or in non-slang terms, an escort android) and inserted Hal's chip into that body so he could pass as human and lend a hand in getting off-planet. He struggles to adjust to the human-like body and the human standards then placed on him, as well as his continued notice of the fact that if he doesn't focus on it, it's easy to forget that he's a robot.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the OC maker Picrew by Yona Aihoyu

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