info Overview
Name - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s full name?

Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa

Other names - What other aliases does Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa go by?

He usually goes by Ed
Noah calls him buggy (especially when their kids) and Sierra refers to him as dad

Gender - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s gender?


Age - How old is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa?

27 Same as Noah (they're a month apart)

face Looks
Height - How tall is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa?


Hair Color - What color is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s hair?

Lighter Orange (Not dyed)

Hair Style - How does Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa style their hair?

It's very thin, and he keeps it up in a bun

Eye Color - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa have?

He knows a lot about bugs and can get along with them

Hobbies - What hobbies does Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa have?

He loved to read (but isn't very good at it)
He likes to listen to other people read to him

Personality type - What personality type is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa?

He's very sweet and kind, but he second guesses himself a lot.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s favorite food?

Noah's spagetti

Favorite possession - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s favorite possession?

His spider collection (most of them are alive and in little glass cages)

Favorite animal - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s favorite animal?

He would say something like spiders or snails, but if he had to pick an actual animal he'd think for a little bit but eventually say it's cats or dogs

Job - What job does Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa have?

He works at his cafe that he made with Noah. Noah runs the cafe for the most part, but it was Ed's idea

date_range History
Birthday - When is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s birthday?

August 16, 1994

Education - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s level of education?

He never finished middle school, and learned how to read when he was 19. He's trying his best, Noah's helped him a lot

Background - What is Edward Christopher Walker-Tolsa’s background?

He was never close with his family, and they often made thing's harder for him when he couldn't do something for school. He is sort of close with his sister, because she is in and out dating Noah.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Martyn on

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