info Overview
Name - What is Clikor (Species) (WIP)’s full name?

Clikor (Species) (WIP)

Other names - What other aliases does Clikor (Species) (WIP) go by?

Mittus canis (Latin name, although of course nobody on Earth knows that they exist, and vice versa)

Gender - What is Clikor (Species) (WIP)’s gender?

Clikor can be both male and female.

Age - How old is Clikor (Species) (WIP)?

Lives to ~70 years on Destrumes, although in ideal conditions they could easily live to 100

Role in story

Dominant species of Destrumes, along with the Volcanum

face Looks
Height - How tall is Clikor (Species) (WIP)?

26-32 in (Adult male)
23-28 in (Adult female)

Lower ages may have different heights, however, for most of their life the males are taller than the females.

Weight - How much does Clikor (Species) (WIP) weigh?

65-75 lbs in good health; any higher or lower is overweight/underweight

Race - What is Clikor (Species) (WIP)’s race?

In Clikor culture, the races of the Clikor are based off of their glow-speck color. There’s not much prejudice between different races, since it’s completely random what genes are received from what side of the family.

There are many different races of Clikor, but some well-known examples are:

  • Crosshatch clikor (many glow-specks of different shades, but of the same general color)

  • Doubler clikor (glow-specks of colors which are opposites on the color wheel)

  • Faux doubler clikor (glow-specks of colors which are almost, but not complete opposites on the color wheel)

  • Forest clikor (glow-specks which are any shade of green and brown)

  • Lava clikor (glow-specks which are red and orange)

  • Obsidian clikor (glow-specks which are blue and purple or red and purple)

  • Ocean clikor (glow-specks which are blue and yellow or blue and tan)

  • Pure clikor (any clikor with only one color of glow-speck)

  • Pyrite clikor (glow-specks which are yellow and orange)

Hair/Fur color

Commonly a deep black, less often a grayer or browner color. Markings such as spots and stripes are almost nonexistent. Each Clikor has ‘glow-specks’ around their legs and paws; small, colored pods on the skin that they can light up at will. Most of the time, they’re alight, and others can tell a Clikor’s health based off of the intensity of the glow. The brighter and cheerier the light, the healthier they are. Most glow-specks are warm colors like red, orange, and yellow, but other, cooler colors such as blue and green are seen in the population, too. Glow-speck color, like fur color and body structure, is usually genetic.

Hair/Fur style

The fur of the Clikor is coarse and short, though they come in longer and silkier variants. As the Clikor are a mountainous species which evolved near the volcanos, their fur adapted to be resistant to the cold air the altitude they lived on often brought, yet still short enough that it wouldn’t accidentally catch fire if a Clikor made a wrong step crossing by some magma. Their fur adapted to be dark and black in order to camouflage with the volcanoes they live on, should they need to turn off their glow-specks (which would give them away immediately) for stealth.

Eye color - What is Clikor (Species) (WIP)’s eye color?

Most Clikor have an eye color that matches their glow-specks; in Clikor with only two colors of glow-speck, their eye color is usually the color not used in their antennae. The most common eye colors are orange and yellow, though red and cooler colors aren’t unheard of.

Facial features

Each Clikor has two antennae sticking out from above their eyebrows. These antennae often end in luminescent droplet shapes and glow along with their glow-specks. They’re usually the share their color the glow-specks, though often unlike the latter, the antennae are only composed of one color. With their antennae, the Clikor can sense the heat of the air and their surroundings; this has evolved as a survival tool for predicting lava flows and eruptions.

Near their vocal cords and connected to the amygdala is a function unique to the Clikor called the click box. Clikor instinctually give out clicks and ticks when they sense danger; the former is released when fearful and the latter is released when angry. Clicks are higher-pitched and more rapid than ticks, and are often uncontrollable. Both can be managed, however, it’s very difficult, similar to forcing oneself not to cry.

Skin tone or fur patterns

As mentioned above, the Clikor seldom have any markings like Earth’s species do, like spots or stripes, and if one does have these, then it’s a mutation. (That said, mutations are quite common in the species, but fur patterns are still very rare. Their genes are structured in a way where it’s hard for the body to generate multiple colors in the coat.)

Body type

Quadrupedal and doglike. Most Clikor are built lithe and speedy, but some are bigger and bulkier than others. (None of them come close to even the skinniest Volcanum, though.)

Blood type


Powers or abilities

Sensitivity to the heat of their surroundings

Identifying features

  • Black, coarse fur that blends in with the volcanoes they live on

  • Glow-specks of varying colors

  • Glowing, heat-sensitive antennae

  • A special organ which allows them to click and tick when scared or angry

  • Often found living on volcanoes with their Volcanum friends

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Clikor (Species) (WIP) have?

The Clikor and Volcanum tend to speak similarly to Earth’s inhabitants in grammar and wording, though the former may be prone to clicking/ticking during arguments and the latter may have rasping fits, especially in old age, due to their lowered saliva rate.

Destrumes’ inhabitants are known to use phrases and words particular to their planet’s culture. Most phrases are related to their species’ unique bodily abilities or related to the volcanic landscape or heat in general.

Some common phrases the Clikor and Volcanum use are:

  • “to snap your own antennae”: To take a big or foolish risk.

  • “to snap your own antennae before walking into the coals”: An extended version of the above, referring to the heat-sensing capabilities of a Clikor’s antennae; by snapping them off, you are effectively blinding yourself to where you’re going before you walk into hot areas.

  • “ticked off”: To be so mad that you begin to tick beyond your control. Mostly used by the Clikor.

  • More coming soon; feel free to suggest some stuff!

Prejudices - What prejudices does Clikor (Species) (WIP) have?

The Clikor and Volcanum have been together since the very beginning— most of Destrumes’ scientists agree that the species even evolved together and depended on each other even before they became as they are today. Still, some members of the two species carry distaste for the other’s.

Korists, or those who hate the Volcanum, usually think of them as “big, lumbering beasts” that “contaminate everything with their mouths” and “force everything to compensate for their size.” They think of the Volcanum as useless giants that ruin everything the Clikor have by forcing public buildings to accommodate for their proportions and take up more resources than they normally would. They also hate on the Volcanum for being “nasty” and “gross” in that in their lack of maneuverable hands they must pick up everything in their mouths, which already conveniently do not produce much spit at all. A minority of Korists fear that the Volcanum, being “huge and horrid terroristic beasts,” will turn on them and devour them for food one day, as irrational as that is. All of these Korists seem to ignore the fact that the Volcanum protect them from eruptions and lava flows, and without them all of the Clikorian settlements would end up burning to the ground.

Volcists, or those who hate the Clikor, consider them “parasites” which piggyback onto their superior anatomical structure to carry on a survival that should never have included them in the first place. Most Volcists think of them as “weak” or “tiny,” as well as annoying with their constant clicking and ticking and glowing antennae shining into their eyes when they’re trying to sleep at night. They dislike the Clikor for their continued relying on them for protection from the lava, and for their small size which forces them to be on a constant lookout on where they put their feet. Most Volcists conveniently ignore that the Volcanum do not have hands, and if the Clikor had not been there to put together all of the gadgets and settlements they live in (even if some were thought up by the Volcanum) the species would be nowhere near where they are today.

It’s important to note, however, that both Korists and Volcists are rare, and the vast majority of the two species get along well and without prejudice. If they didn’t, then one would have knocked the other extinct long ago.

Talents - What talents does Clikor (Species) (WIP) have?

The Clikor have highly maneuverable paws, as dexterous as the hands of Earth’s humans. The Clikor adapted this way because, unlike the Volcanum, they are not immune to the effects of heat and lava, therefore they had to be very cautious where they stepped on the volcanoes. This eventually evolved into their uniquely complex paw structure. Their digits’ dexterity gives them an edge over the Volcanum when it comes to making and using small objects, as the Volcanum, with their heat-proof scales, are unaffected by the magma and have no need to develop such detailed feet muscles. The Clikor can also fit into much smaller places than the Volcanum can due to their lesser size, and see things on the ground’s surface in clearer shape and closer up than the lava-dwellers.

fitness_center Special abilities
date_range History
Birthday - When is Clikor (Species) (WIP)’s birthday?

Known members of the species:
- Rino Havits
- Monyi Havits
- Lime Havits
- Dexte Havits
- Laze Havits

groups Social
Languages spoken

The language of the Clikor and Volcanum is the same, although of course

star Pokémon
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Items
account_box Ellen Ρotter’s Kharacter Ɛssentials
edit Other
Other notes

Originally created from one of my good friend Doggywoofwoo’s designs on a DTA (Draw To Adopt) she was hosting. I entered for the first design (twice!) and, after making an animation meme, a story, and an entire art presentation to go with it, ended up winning the design. That original story was that of Monyi Havits, although he didn’t get his full name until a year and a half after he was originally conjectured. Although I had many, many other characters, I found myself coming back to him over and over until I said ‘okay, you know what, I love him so much, I need to make him an actual species.’ And from there blossomed the Clikor, and from there the Volcanum to go along with them, until I had what you see today. Of course, none of it’s actually finished yet, and his rewritten backstory’s still in the works, but I’m happy to present what I have so far with you all on I sincerely hope you love the Clikor, and Monyi, and really all of my other worlds and their lore and characters as much as I do.

The word "Clikor" is a proper noun in written Destrian, as with the word "Volcanum," so in English transcripts of these they should be treated as such. The two species see each other as no less than equals - having one or both be regular nouns would be a violation of that fact.

Clikor (Species) (WIP) appears in the following documents
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This character was created by Tidermelon on

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