info Overview
Name - What is Dagr Hewnheart’s full name?

Dagr Hewnheart

Role - What is Dagr Hewnheart’s role in your story?

Kingsreach Miner


Man (he/him)

General Information

Dagr is the quintessential Dwarf in almost every way: Stout, strong, loud, with an enduring love of stone, jewels, and metal. There's only one thing that prevented him from going off and becoming a Dwarven war hero: The sight of blood makes him faint straight away. He's still trying to overcome this embarrassing flaw, but anything more than a droplet or two of someone's lifeblood and Dagr becomes a floormat. In the meantime, he makes a good living as a miner; Accidents are blessedly few when he is around, because he is determined to prevent any injures from revealing his greatest weakness.

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edit Notes
Party Impressions

Shah: I deeply want to see Dagr achieve his dreams. I'm not sure how to accomplish this but I'll be keeping my eyes open.

Ua-Lo: Is nice to practice Dwarvish with Dagr, was rusting little bit. He is very skilled miner, and very caring! When we were hit on head with rock, he asked if we bled and we said no, and he was so relieved. He must be very nice person :)

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