info Overview
Name - What is Lanessa Blumhart’s full name?

Lanessa Blumhart

Role - What is Lanessa Blumhart’s role in your story?

Kingsreach Guard


Woman (she/her)

General Information

A wood elf from Waterdeep who has her sights set on winning glory in Kingsreach. She's aggressive and always looking for a fight, and prone to running off on her own if she thinks she can take the enemy.

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edit Notes
Party Impressions

Shah: Although I feel very uncomfortable in the presence of most elves, this elf's agressiveness in battle reminds me of Ua Lo, which warms my heart a little bit. I do not prefer to hang out with her, but I do want to be a part of Lanessa's ingroup. I'm terrified of becoming her enemy.

Ua-Lo: We did not speak to Lanessa much at first, her being elf, but was impossible not to challenge her when she keeps offering! She is good competitor, and not so bad after knowing her better.

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