info Overview
Name - What is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child’s full name?

Draconic Name meaning: Dur- Curse ; Kiir- Child

Age - How old is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child?

Appears to be in his late 30's
Exact Age - Somewhere in his 16,000's

Gender - What is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child’s gender?


face Looks
Race - What is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child’s race?

Doom Dragonkin

Hair Color - What color is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child’s hair?

Dark ashen gray with dark burnt orange/red

Eye Color - What is Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child’s eye color?

Right eye; sclera is completely black, iris is a burning fiery orange with a black pupil
His left eye is completely milky white

When enraged, his eye changes to a bright crimson red, a hint of that burning red can sometimes be seen beneath the surface of his blind eye when enraged

Body Type

Brawny/muscular build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dur'kiir Draconic Name meaning: *Dur-* Curse ; *Kiir-* Child have?

Completely blind in left eye, a jagged scar running across it. The horn on the left side of his head is partially cracked, tied with the old wound/scar

Black scales shape a V just above the bridge of his nose between his eyes
These black scales cover either side of his face, a pattern stretches out ending in a sharp angle just beneath both his eyes, a smaller pattern beneath
The scales then continue downwards, covering the bottom of his jaw and giving his chin an angular shape
The scales on the left side of his face along the wounded area are more pale in color, appearing a dark gray instead of the black that they had once been
The black scales run down the front of his neck

Has sharp canines, a forked tongue
Pair of horns upon his head curve back, then jut forward

From the base of Dur's spine, a serpentine tail is attached. At the end of his tail 2 pairs of spines are attached on either side, jutting downwards. The draconic tail is covered in black scales

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history Changelog
edit Notes

Name: Dur'kiir
In draconic, name means; Curse - Child

Age: Appears to be in his late 30's

Actual Age - Somewhere in his 16,000's

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Doom Dragonkin

Bio/History: On the day he was born, the boy was considered a foreboding omen, hence how he got his name; Dur'kiir, 'Curse Child'. Dur was actually an 'accident', having not suppose to even happen, but when your mother, a human, was trying to make a living on the streets of a kingdom, it was no surprise it would attract unsavory individuals. His father, wherever he may be, is believed to be a Doom Dragon, beasts that have been banished from the world to a remote island.

Either way, Dur'kiir grew up in a poor household, forced to stay inside while his mother continued to try and provide for them. She did not want anyone to know of her son, a devil-looking curse that should've died...

Eventually, he was found by a member of the Adventurer's Guild. His 'mother' had been suspected of theft, as well as holding illegal equipment. There, they found a malnourished, nearly dead dragonkin child; Dur'kiir. Despite sensing what kind of Dragonkin he was, the member took the child under their wing, bringing him back from the brink of death.

Sense then, the boy swore his duty to the man that provided what a child needed; love and care. This lasted several years, eventually Dur himself growing old enough to join the Guild. From there, he expanded his skills, making a name for himself. Despite such a rough upbringing, as well as his nature, the Dragonkin made a party, consisting of five members altogether.

It was this very group that managed to bring down the very beast that threatened the world they lived in, threatening to destroy everything. Dur'kiir was the one to lead his party forward, destroying the Black Dread that nearly wiped out his entire party. Only one member didn't make it, the rest managing to survive the ordeal.

Now, some hundred years later, Dur'kiir has retired from the Adventuring Business, the fellow members of his old party dispersing.

Other Info: Completely blind in left eye, a jagged scar running across it. The horn on the left side of his head is partially cracked, tied with the old wound/scar

In his old party, Dur'kiir's role was being a tank. He could take the damage and dish it right back out at the enemy. Considering his older age now, he may find trouble with being a tank in this present time

Fiancée - Mahuat; Wispfire Dragonkin - DECEASED

folder_open Powers/Abilities

Powers/Abilities: Extremely destructive capabilities, dragon form

folder_open Favorite Quotes/Excerpts

"Yet you failed to mention the reason a leopard has its spots, to blend in with its territory," the Dragonkin's voice was monotone, "As I mentioned, positioning is everything. There are times you will find yourself in a corner, and you can't move to adjust to a worsening scenario."

His gaze seemed to burn right into Evelyn's very body and soul, "You are thinking too much of what you can achieve alone, instead of considering what your fellow members can do as well. However, I am well aware that we are all just meeting, and have yet to determine our places. Just keep in mind, that we will be working together, instead of singularly."

"OIOI! WHAT'S THIS THEN?! DIDN'T GET ENOUGH DID YA! ….wait a minute…curse child, is that you?"

A pair of burning eyes illuminated in the darkness of the inside of the carriage. Whatever it was, remained inside, glancing outwards to the group that had been investigating the wreckage.

At first, there was silence from the fallen, armored Dragonkin. His body unmoving as it rested against the wall, head slumped against his chest. That silence, however, was suddenly broken by a deep, inhuman growl emitting directly from Dur'kiir.

"…J-Jinx…I'm gonna wring your f-fucking neck…"

The eyes in the darkness seemed to tilt, as if whatever was inside was cocking its head to the side. Then a maw of pointed fangs suddenly appeared, giving the creature a 'Cheshire' appearance in the shadows of the carriage.

"Sorry about that old chap, but what with the Mistress away and after the thief, I acted only as I have been instructed; protect the carriage while the culprit is dealt with…besides," the eyes suddenly shifted to the side, noticing the three younger members nearby, "Thought you were in retirement, never expected you to pick up your axe again and guide some younglings."

Dur'kiir remained where he had been thrown, but lifted his head upwards. The single ember glared from the darkness of the helm, the growl seeming to make the very ground around them vibrate from the sound, "Enough games Jinx…spit out what happened."

A chuckle sounded from the depths, "Ah, even in old age, ever the stoutest pillar to stand in the raging storm…but even you know…eventually the pillar becomes weathered, weakening in…"

From nowhere, a knife was struck with such force it lodged in the wood of the doorway, "I said enough games…for all you know, your Mistress is in trouble…"

The eyes in the darkness narrowed, followed by a soft 'tsk', "My Mistress is quite capable of handling herself, but I suppose you want some training for the kiddies. Very well, nothing better than 'hands on experience' eh? Last they went, Mistress Mirabilis was chasing them downtown, most likely towards outskirts of the city walls where the dead sleep…if you catch my drift."

The burning gaze of whatever was in the darkness suddenly turned towards the young adventurers nearby, a cackle suddenly erupting from it, "Hope ya like dancing with skeletons and ghouls kiddies! Cause there's gonna be a lot of those where ya going!"

The Dragonkin's voice seemed to lower, barely audible, "There cannot be light without the dark…too much of one overbears the other…leaving chaos in its wake…"

The cold glare Aeolus received was next to none. The Dragonkin removed a hand from the handle of his war axe, instead moving to allow his fingers to rest above his temple, lightly rubbing it as if to alleviate pressure. Why, why was it always the newcomers who tried to play 'hero'? Sure, the kid explained a few things he'd been through, which Dur'kiir did not know what or how Aeolus managed.

He left his hand covering his face for several moments, then lowered it to his side. The hardened gaze had dulled slightly as the Dragonkin's glare simmered down. Dur shifted the giant axe's weight on his shoulder, tail sweeping to the side behind him.

" 'Take out the leader' the kid says, if only it were that easy. Think over your words, and what you have told me."

No, Dur'kiir wasn't just going to outright say what he thought. There was no better teacher than first-hand experience. Instead, Aeolus received a gruff growl from the grizzled Dragonkin and the man's backside.

The Dragonkin suddenly glanced over towards Aeolus. His lips curled up, showing fangs, "Well rogue, let's see what you do best, skulk in the shadows and see what and who you can take out. Oshiera, with me, we will join Mirabilis, and see just whom is so intent on summoning this 'named' voidspawn."

Without waiting for the rogue's reply, did Dur'kiir step out from the corner, entering an open hall. Towards the end near an alter, stood several men in robes, and before them, a tall woman. Despite the predicament, the woman stood with a rather exasperated appearance. Seemed she knew her words were falling on deaf ears, but couldn't say she didn't try…

"You lot really should listen to the woman."

Heads turned, facing the great, menacing approach of the Dragonkin. Staffs were suddenly drawn by four of the men, but the fifth, the robed man in the middle, rose a hand.

The woman looked back. The once annoyed expression seemed to soften as her grayish green eyes came to settle on the approaching Dragonkin.

"Well now, this is quite the surprise…and here I thought you were in retirement…old friend."

The woman received a grunt from Dur'kiir, his axe remaining resting against his shoulders. The single ember of his right eye glowing as he stared past her and directly towards the cult.

"Still would be in retirement, but fate has taken a different turn for me."

"Your appearance means nothing! You cannot stop our lord from being brought into this world!"

A sigh escaped the woman, "These lunatics have been constantly saying that, but have yet to act…"

Just as the woman had sighed, a snort came from the Dragonkin, "Eh, not too surprising. These guys are normally all talk, no show."

Without a spoken word, the Dragonkin suddenly sprang forward past the woman. Despite that armor, the weapon, and age, Dur'kiir moved surprisingly swift, a near blur as sped onwards to begin the assault. Ah, he had missed this.

Sure, retirement was nice, but there was just something about the thrill of battle he always longed to relive…

Instead, Dur'kiir moved swiftly to block the boy's path. From his shoulder blades, a pair of black wings tinged with red markings suddenly erupted forth.

"Huzrah wah zu'u dii Dur Viing: Gral Spaan." ((Hearken to me my Cursed Wings: Ruin Shield))

At his words, a glowing black and red energy seemed to emit from the wings that now adorned his back. The Dragonkin flared his wings to their fullest, the energy seeming to create a wall of flowing energy before him as he remained as a wall in front of Aeolus.

Before them, the fallen leader's body seemed to suddenly rise, blood having spilt from the body onto the open pages of the tome. Glowing symbols from the pages flickered as if a spark had taken flame. Unlike the black and red energy emitting from Dur'kiir, the sudden pulses of dark, purplish energy spreading outwards from the risen body of the cultist and book would've probably made any caught in the sudden pulses to be thrown backwards.

Though, it seemed the Dragonkin had expected this, hence the swiftness of his interception of Aeolus before the young man reached to make sure the body was finished. Glancing to the opposite side, the woman had seemingly pulled out her own tome, a shield of what appeared to be green energy offering protection to both her and the quivering Oshiera behind her.

A grunt from Dur'kiir as he remained standing, wings flared out. All eyes remained on the cultist's body, as it began to twist and morph. The man's body twitched, growing in size and becoming something else entirely. The power continued to pulse from the creature that was warping the fallen cultist's form, taking shape of a monstrosity from what one could only assume to be 'one's worst nightmares'.

"Did disturb from the void, what mortal calleth?"

Glowing red eyes landed upon the Dragonkin whom even the towering gargoyle-like beast hovered over. It had no lips to curl up, instead fangs interlocking against each other. The whip-like tail lashed to the side, the tip ending in a cruel edged blade. Instead, it clacked its jaws together, the horns upon its head curling forward and up as it glared downwards.

The black and red energy that once shielded both Dur and Aeolus dissipated. The Dragonkin stood tall, despite the towering void creature, his large war axe remaining in his hands as he steadily gazed back.

"You should know, seeing as they are now you, or something in that matter. I don't take the time to understand all that shit."

"This mortal vessel hast forsooth did bear me into this world, but hither I am without loyal thralls…Nay matter, thee shall serveth me."

It raised a clawed hand, tendrils of purple energy suddenly snaking outwards, "Hark to me, essence of the void. Transform the hath lost into loyal subjects, so yond mine own word becometh absolute."

The energy tendrils suddenly struck forward, coming to strike the fallen cultists that Dur'kiir had taken care of, though instead of changing like the void beast, the most change they received were their eyes, now seeming to be devoid of life. Thralls, ensnared by the Voidspawn's magic, to do its bidding. The giant beast waved its hand.

"With mine own coming, the world shalt tremble. Those who cross mine own will, shalt be destroyed."

The cultists raised their weapons, two holding staves, the other pair holding sword and shield.

Dur'kiir's tail was lashing madly back and forth as he glared at the opponents. The growl coming from him seemed to rival the very beast that stood before them own's voice. His wings moved, coming to fold neatly against his back.

"Now see, sometimes it isn't as easy as just 'waltzing in and killing the leader'," the Dragonkin's voice was low, directed towards Aeolus, whom he was assuming had remained behind him.

Seemed the Dragonkin knew this was going to happen. A lesson, perhaps a harsh one, but Dur'kiir had his reasons and methods…which he had a feeling when they made it through this, he'd be hearing no end of it from the woman; Lady Mirabilis.

He perhaps waited a few moments, then once again the Dragonkin was springing into action. The male swerved to the group to the right of the voidspawn, swinging his blade downwards. A great shockwave of red energy seemed to erupt from the ground where the blade met stone. The wave surged forward, knocking back the two cultists into the other group. He was swift to follow the attack, the Dragonkin somehow managed to leap upwards, spinning his axe. The edge glowed with that same, unnatural red energy, crackling forward off the weapon in the shape of the edge of the powerful weapon.

This attack sliced forward, felling two of the cultists, separating torsos from legs. Dur'kiir's boots pounded the stone floor as he charged towards the voidspawn. He raised the war axe high above his horned head, an inhuman snarl escaping from his open maw, fangs bared. Meeting the brunt of the attack, the voidspawn seemingly pulled out of a dark pocket a dual pair of wickedly curved swords. The weapons crossed in front of it, shielding it from the axe that threatened to plunge into its chest.

On either side of the hellish creature, the two remaining thralls appeared. One with a sword and shield attempted to jab at the Dragonkin's exposed flank, the second cultist raising their staff, the end glowing with a purplish hue.

Seeming to sense the impending attacks on either side, Dur'kiir's wings flared out on either side, creating a shield on either side.

Dur'kiir pursued the voidbeast as it swerved backwards, avoiding the hefty axe that came crashing downwards before its chest. For a moment, the Dragonkin paused, turning his horned head back, hearing the sound of running footsteps. His red gaze caught movement, the thrall having somehow managed to sneak up behind him, but the blade that was aimed to plunge into his form was halted.

The Dragonkin glared over, seeing none other than the boy. Hmph…least the kid was quick…AH!

The distraction between the once advancing thrall and Aeolus had bought the voidbeast the time it needed. A pained and enraged roar suddenly escaped Dur'kiir's maw as he staggered back, clutching his left side. The fiend had taken the advantage, the whip-like bladed tail having lashed forward to slash through armor, scales, and into flesh.

Only this pain seemed to cause Dur'kirr to snap. He surged forward, leaving the war axe where it had crashed earlier. Now powerful claws ensnared the voidbeast that thought it had the upperhand, to only have it backfire. This wound and pain seemed to drive the Dragonkin into his more primal, draconic mind.

A mind of a wild, wounded beast that was trapped and fighting for survival…

Without even thinking, as if having forgotten entirely of the rest of those around, Dur'kiir attacked with a new, bloody ferocity.

He suddenly released the creature, then pivoting, swinging his powerful tail full force into the voidspawn, sending it flying backwards. The blades it once held were now on the ground, useless against the new monster of Dur'kiir. It had no chance as the beastly Dragonkin lunged forward, claws snaring the horns on either side of the creature's head.

Cold eyes glared, a snarling growl emitting from Dur'kiir. He bared his fangs, suddenly opening his jaws. As he did, a beam of black and red energy burst forth, seeming to instantly decimate the voidspawn. Horrid screeching echoed around the tombs as it wriggled and writhed beneath the raw, destructive power of the Dragonkin. The creature's flesh seemed to melt, body becoming a pool of black, viscous liquid.

Dur'kiir stood in place, claws clutching air where once he had hold of the fiend's horns. The destructive beam he had been deploying, he seemed to swallow back down his throat. The prominent draconic features that adorned his form earlier, started to slowly subside. The spines that once adorned his back disappeared, scales returning to skin along parts of his body. However, his eyes, they were still that ominous, feral red glow, the pupil a thin slit in his good eye, his blind eye a dim red glow seen beneath the milky white surface.

A small moment of peace, a chance that let him glance towards his left side. Though appearing more like his self when he first met Aeolus and Oshiera, it was clear he still wasn't entirely in the right mindset so to speak. A low, pained growl escaped his lips as he winced from touching the wound.

His 'peace', however, was interrupted as the second thrall was still in the scene. However, it seemed at the death of its leader, did the enthralled man seem to slowly back down. Though something must've clicked with them as well, as a barrage of lightning magic came hurling towards the already injured Dragonkin.

Tired, and wounded, Dur'kiir snarled in retaliation, once again a wing erupting from his back, moving to shield his body from the attack. Though how long he could hold out, well, it was up to the newbies to step in and help.


This character was created by Dragoncita on

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