info Overview
Name - What is Ada Freeburn’s full name?

Ada Freeburn

Role - What is Ada Freeburn’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Ada Freeburn go by?

Ada, Barcelona

Gender - What is Ada Freeburn’s gender?

She/Her, girl

Age - How old is Ada Freeburn?

Age 15

face Looks
Weight - How much does Ada Freeburn weigh?


Height - How tall is Ada Freeburn?


Hair Color - What color is Ada Freeburn’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Ada Freeburn style their hair?

In a bun

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ada Freeburn have?


Eye Color - What is Ada Freeburn’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Ada Freeburn’s race?


Skin Tone

Light brown

Body Type

Pretty much average, but she can bench 50lbs

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ada Freeburn have?

Two slash marks under her right eye; they are scars now. She got them the first time she went into battle against the Soviets. They are also the main reason she’s not allowed to fight anymore.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Ada Freeburn have?

She’s introverted but will talk up a storm if you know her well

Motivations - What motivates Ada Freeburn most?


Flaws - What flaws does Ada Freeburn have?

She’s overly good; she won’t hurt a fly.
She’s also reckless; follows rules but doesn’t.

Talents - What talents does Ada Freeburn have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Ada Freeburn have?

Knitting, training, also has a knack for painting; took an art class as a baby (daddy-daughter class with Dad)

Personality type - What personality type is Ada Freeburn?


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Ada Freeburn practice?


Politics - What politics does Ada Freeburn have?

The world is too wild at the moment

Occupation - What is Ada Freeburn’s occupation?

She’s the 3 knight of the 4 cohort of the 8th courthouse in America; the only one on the cohort who isn’t allowed to fight, meaning she has to command them from the courthouse “mission control”

Favorite color - What is Ada Freeburn’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Ada Freeburn’s favorite food?

Abi’s pot roast

Favorite possession - What is Ada Freeburn’s favorite possession?

An amulet made of silver, gold and amethyst that can enhance her telekinesis to lift stronger things; and a sweatshirt that can change form into different types of sweaters; has Barcelona written on the back with Spain’s flag underneath, hence her nickname.

Favorite weapon - What is Ada Freeburn’s favorite weapon?

Laser sniper that is named Beatrice; dagger named Carter

Favorite animal - What is Ada Freeburn’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Ada Freeburn have?

Besides from the command center and being the 3rd soldier, she sometimes helps run Dad’s weaponry and book store. (Money’s tight for everyone at the moment in the 8th courthouse, and the government hasn’t sent more funds yet.)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Ada Freeburn’s birthday?


Education - What is Ada Freeburn’s level of education?

Hmm let’s see....average, but is well taught in math more than the other subjects, and is fluent in both Arabic and English.

Background - What is Ada Freeburn’s background?

She has two dads:
Dad from Tennessee and Abi from Egypt. She knows both Arabic and English. She was adopted by Abi when she was 24 days old. When he was filling out the adoption papers, the person working at the adoption center said that no one wanted to adopt Ada because of her red hair color. In Ancient Egypt, red was a bad color because it was Set’s color. Abi muttered “then send me to hell, because she’s perfect”. Abi then met Daddy at Sun and Moon Cafe in Cairo. They got married after two years. Life is still going fine, even after the war started. They were both drafted for the head of the “good side”. Ada rose to the top through the ranks, and now commands troops through the base. But she just got her second mission, and she’s more ready then ever.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ada Freeburn have?

She used to have a dog named Louisiana, but Louisiana was shot by an enemy soldier who has snuck into the 8th Courthouse. He’s currently kept as a prisoner of war.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Magic
favorite_border Sexuality
sexual orientation


folder_open Outfit
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This character was created by Lena on

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