info Overview
Name - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s full name?

Staera, Goddess of Balance

Role - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s role in your story?

A deity, whose task is to protect the world from falling apart

Other names - What other aliases does Staera, Goddess of Balance go by?


Gender - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s gender?


Age - How old is Staera, Goddess of Balance?

Millions, maybe even billions of years

face Looks
Weight - How much does Staera, Goddess of Balance weigh?

65 kilograms

Height - How tall is Staera, Goddess of Balance?

Well Staera can change her appearance at will. Her most used human form, Elva, is about 176 cm though.

Hair Color - What color is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Staera, Goddess of Balance style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?


Eye Color - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s eye color?

Jade green

Race - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s race?


Skin Tone

Slightly tanned

Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?

A tattoo all over her left arm

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Staera, Goddess of Balance most?

Protecting the world, and keeping it from falling apart

Prejudices - What prejudices does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?

She absolutely hates anything and everything about Tenebris, Lux and their followers (even though anyone can pray to her, she gets over her prejudices with the followers). Her hate is mainly directed toward the Gods, but she doesn't like people who mean harm to the Wilderness.

Talents - What talents does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?

Errr keeping Lux and Tenebris' powers weak night and day, I mean that takes some skill.

Personality type - What personality type is Staera, Goddess of Balance?

Lawful tired

Magical Abilities

Staera is super proficient in the Balance magic types, Spell Magic and Healing Magic. She is the one who created them after all

Sexual preference

Asexual aromantic

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Staera, Goddess of Balance practice?

She knows about the three deities that created the world, she is one of them herself.

Politics - What politics does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?

She doesn't get involved in human politics

Occupation - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s occupation?

Protector of Tewyn

Favorite color - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s favorite color?

Teal and Jade

Favorite food - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s favorite food?

Staera doesn't need to eat

Favorite possession - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s favorite possession?

Her magic

Favorite weapon - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s favorite weapon?


Job - What job does Staera, Goddess of Balance have?

Protecting the world from falling apart

date_range History
Birthday - When is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s birthday?

Well she doesn't actually know, but she has a celebration every equinox, to celebrate balance in the world.

Education - What is Staera, Goddess of Balance’s level of education?

Staera never went to school, but she is very intelligent and a good war strategist.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Staera, Goddess of Balance

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Staera, Goddess of Balance

Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Staera, Goddess of Balance

This character was created by Lisanne on

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