info Overview
Name - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s full name?

Natsuno Atsuda

Role - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s role in your story?

Team Mom

Other names - What other aliases does Natsuno Atsuda go by?

Nana (self-given nickname) "Mom" (given by the members) "Grandpa" (the members call her this to annoy her, this name is usually given to her when she starts rambling about the past years.)

Gender - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s gender?


Age - How old is Natsuno Atsuda?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Natsuno Atsuda weigh?

163 LBS.

Chest Waist & Hips: 43, 34, 41/35, 35, 43.

Inseam: 32.

Height - How tall is Natsuno Atsuda?


Hair Color - What color is Natsuno Atsuda’s hair?

Chestnut, she prefers to have her hair natural. She actually dislikes dyed hair because she likes to keep it simple. She gets into a misunderstanding with Miyu because of this, where Nana believes that Miyu is a delinquent.

Hair Style - How does Natsuno Atsuda style their hair?

Bowl cut, she used to have long hair, but she cut it for practical reasons. It was getting in the way of her farmwork.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Natsuno Atsuda have?


Eye Color - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s eye color?

Golden brown, Nana is stated to have "captivating eyes", she agrees with this for the most part. Her eyes are big and expressive, like a puppy's eyes.

Race - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s race?


Skin Tone

She has light skin, although she has a slight tan due to working outdoors at the farm.

Body Type

Chubby, her hips are bigger than her shoulders, and she usually has scratches and scrapes on her body from working with animals.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Natsuno Atsuda have?

The multiple bandages she uses to cover her animal wounds. She also has light freckling around her face and shoulders and arms.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Natsuno Atsuda have?

When she is passionate about something, she rambles about the particular thing really quickly.

She fidgets with her hands when irritated.

Motivations - What motivates Natsuno Atsuda most?

Her motivation is to make her father proud.

After moving to a new city, her and her father started to have conflict with each other, he loved the city and was very excited for it, whereas Nana was skeptical about the city, after arguing with her father over and over again about their disagreement, she wants to make her father forgive her and appreciate her again.

Nana's goal is to learn to adapt to city life and earn back the respect of her father.

Flaws - What flaws does Natsuno Atsuda have?

She is sometimes socially awkward (especially with boys) due to not socializing with other kids when she lived in Chitose.

She is also quite judgemental of other people at first glance, especially people who are natives of Tokyo, she turns cold and stern around people she seems "troublemakers".

She is very insecure about her lack of knowledge about city life. She insists that her old life was better while also being impressed by modern Tokyo.

She is a bit clingy with people she likes, often becoming uncharacteristically jealous and snarky.

She never really gives herself time to rest, always spending most of her day taking care of others, even if they didn't ask for it.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Natsuno Atsuda have?

She has a clear bias when it comes to old-fashioned (traditional) japan. She considers all "city folk" to be the same, and she relates with seniors more than she does with people her own age.

Talents - What talents does Natsuno Atsuda have?

Singing and cooking. She seems to have a natural knack for singing. She has a soft and calming voice. And her great cooking stems from her father wanting to teach her to be independent whenever he isn't home.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Natsuno Atsuda have?

She loves collecting antiques and likes to do archery. She tends to hoard when it comes to antiques though.

Personality type - What personality type is Natsuno Atsuda?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Natsuno Atsuda’s birthday?

April 21st, 2004. She is a Taurus. Her Japanese zodiac is the year of the Monkey.

Education - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s level of education?

Chitose Joshi Highschool (Nana's former all-girls school before coming to Tokyo.)

Tobishii Tokyo Highschool (Nana's current school.)

(Nana usually shows up to school tired, which makes the other students make rumors about what she possibly be doing before school, most of the rumors center around compensated dating and other unsavory things.)

She is a member of the archery club.

Background - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s background?

Nana used to live and work on a potato farm with her father, in hokkaido, chitose. She developed a hard-working personality, and loved doing farmwork. She lives with her single father. (Her mother passed away in a accident going to Tokyo.)

Her father later sold the farm and decided to move to "the big city" of Tokyo.

Nana likes to take care of other people because she hates the fact that she's an only child. Her father never got together with another woman because he is still mourning Nana's biological mother.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Natsuno Atsuda practice?

Shinto. She is very loyal to the religion, she believes in good and bad luck and dislikes things she considers "unpure".

Politics - What politics does Natsuno Atsuda have?

Constitutional Democratic Party. She supports the phasing out of nuclear energy in Japan and she supports create renewable energy, she wants the world to be in harmony.

The party also supports "building a society that supports each other and makes full use of individuality and creativity."

Occupation - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s occupation?

High School Student.

Favorite color - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s favorite color?

Dark, forest-y green. She loves wearing kimonos in the color as well.

Favorite food - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s favorite food?

Pork Donburi (Her mother made the dish for her when she was younger, so to honor her, she every time she eats it, she always says "itadakimasu" and wishes her a good afterlife before dinner.)

Favorite possession - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s favorite possession?

Her hama yumi ("evil destroying arrow) she keeps it as a good luck charm in her house. She bought it from a shrine.

Favorite weapon - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s favorite weapon?

Bow & Arrow

Favorite animal - What is Natsuno Atsuda’s favorite animal?

Cows, she especially loves it when cows raise their young. She loves maternal animals in general. She misses raising the cows when she lived in japan.

Job - What job does Natsuno Atsuda have?


device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Natsuno Atsuda have?

None. Although, she used to see her farm stock as pets before they were used for consumption.

favorite Sexuality
Sexual Orientation


Ideal Type

Her ideal man is a strong and dependable man, she would love a guy who could find comfort in cooking and cleaning, just like she does. She loves the sensitive type, and she wants a man who can show emotion and still be strong.

keyboard_voice Music
Favorite Music

Despite her loving the Edo period of Japan, she loves City Pop songs. The genres she uses in singles are City Pop and Traditional Japanese.

Nana loves all things of the past, she loves listening to 80's city pop music, and she is a big history buff when it comes to the edo period of japan.

pan_tool Abilities
edit Notes
shopping_basket Inventory
block Fears

She has a fear of bad luck, she also has a fear of heights.


This character was created by SingSongKeyV on

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