info Overview
Name - What is Redwing’s full name?


Role - What is Redwing’s role in your story?

Survivor, outcast

Other names - What other aliases does Redwing go by?

Outcast (The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge)

Gender - What is Redwing’s gender?


Age - How old is Redwing?

Unknown. It doesn't really matter anyways since she's deceased but everyone definitely knows she's not a year old.


Who We Are by Imagine Dragons
Unstoppable by The Score

face Looks
Weight - How much does Redwing weigh?

Around 3 pounds at death

Height - How tall is Redwing?

2.2 lbs at death

General Appearance

At first appearance, Redwing doesn't seem to be a formidable warrior. She is a chalky blue-grey Microraptor with a lighter underbelly starting from her chin to her belly. Redwing also has darker markings on her wingtips, head, tail feathers, and legs. She has her remarkable russet red streaks which are shaped like a crescent moon at the corners of her eyes and follows the white underbelly. The red markings can also be found on part of her wing, hence her name Redwing. She has fierce, turquoise blue eyes.

Eye Color - What is Redwing’s eye color?



Dinosaur, Microraptor

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Redwing have?

Her red wings, crescent-shaped marking behind her eye, turquoise eyes.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Redwing have?

Redwing is rather harsh to anyone (especially on 'rookies.') She has quite high standards and judges quickly. In a nutshell, the less one is experienced the less Redwing will respect them while the stronger being will cause Redwing to respect them. Redwing wouldn't necessarily bow down but stand her ground. Redwing is serious and doesn't play around. In fact, she may scorn any playful Microraptor (this includes younglings.) Despite this, Redwing is awfully loyal to anyone close to her and wishes to visit her friends whenever possible.

Motivations - What motivates Redwing most?

For most of her life, Redwing's sole motivation was the survival of her tribe. She never questioned why her tribe needed to survive but Redwing followed the main rule. However, when she was exiled from her tribe, Redwing's motivation was her and Cyano's survival.


Redwing is a harsh, serious Microraptor. She has high expectations for anyone who crosses her path and tends to spit out insults. Redwing is close-minded and only cares about her closest tribe members (including herself of course.) While she may appear imitating, Redwing is fiercely loyal to her close friends. Redwing's strong and considers herself intelligent.

Flaws - What flaws does Redwing have?

Redwing is quick to judge. This can make quite the sheer amount of enemies. She is also close-minded, which can have her be oblivious to any slow changes in personalities. Because Redwing is a Microraptor, she's small and fighting larger enemies would be harder for her.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Redwing have?

Redwing has a prejudice against other dinosaurs, young Microraptors, and taller Microraptors.

Talents - What talents does Redwing have?

Redwing is quite excellent at gliding, another reason for her name. She is a skilled fighter and while not the best with stealth or stamina, Redwing is talented at tracking.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Redwing have?

Redwing prefers gliding through the trees and tracking, although she is quite busy hunting and surviving.


Redwing is chaotic good, doing anything to do the right thing (even if it means getting banished from her tribe.)


Redwing has no conditions.


Redwing likes hard working/diligent/strong Microraptors, gliding through the tree trunks, personal freedom, tracking, finishing a task, and some Microraptors in The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge.


Redwing dislikes leaders, other dinosaurs, anyone outside of The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge, some Microraptors in The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge, and water.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Redwing’s occupation?

Formerly an Outcast, now dead.

Favorite color - What is Redwing’s favorite color?

The darkest shade of green possible.

Favorite food - What is Redwing’s favorite food?

Small birds

Favorite possession - What is Redwing’s favorite possession?

Redwing doesn't own a possession.

Weapon of Choice

Her talons

Favorite animal - What is Redwing’s favorite animal?

The Microraptor

Job - What job does Redwing have?

Redwing was formerly a hunter in The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge before her exile. Currently dead.


The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge - She used to have a loyal, unbreakable bond with her tribe. They knew her well and they often hunted together, ending up in huge feasts. Redwing saw everyone as someone who she would die for, and TRLoOL knew they'll do the same. After her exile, Redwing was bitter against most of the tribe for some time before cooling down and only loathing the Microraptors she liked least. Redwing doesn't understand why her tribe didn't understand her actions.

Cyano - The two knew each other ever since they were hatchlings. They often got into trouble and had friendly competitions (which Redwing excelled in most topics while Cyano won in other competitions.) Redwing considers Cyano her favorite Microraptor. The two were close as siblings and helped each other train in the other subject when they were assigned undesired ranks. Redwing was loyal to Cyano, as when she jumped in to defend Cyano. The two went off after being exiled and passed away of old age, side by side.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Redwing’s birthday?

Unknown. It was lost to time.

Education - What is Redwing’s level of education?

Redwing was trained by her tribe, the Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge

Background - What is Redwing’s background?

Redwing was born and raised in The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge, a Microraptor tribe particularly known for their fierce warriors. Growing up, Redwing desired to be a warrior of her tribe. She had a close friend who went by the name of Cyano. They would playfully compete against each other, annoying the older Microraptors. However, the leaders decided to assign her as a hunter due to her excellent tracking skills. This frustrated Redwing since hunters weren't usually respected. She began to work hard and train as a warrior in secret with Cyano (who was assigned as a warrior instead.) When they were old enough to take the trial to prove their worth in the tribe, Redwing managed to pass. One major thing that concerned Redwing was the fact Cyano didn't pass, due to becoming too nervous. The tribe decided to sacrifice him in front of everyone. At the last minute, Redwing jumped in and defended Cyano. This was considered betrayal and Redwing ended up fleeing from The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge along with Cyano. They traveled far away from the place and later in life, both of them passed away of old age.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Redwing have?

Redwing does not have any pets.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

"Why do I have to be a hunter? That stinks!"
"Scram! Get your flea feathers away from The Russet Leaves of Oak Ledge!"
"RUN! Or fly- either one. Just get out of here, I'll hold them off!"

Voice Claim

Wanda Maximoff from Marvel Cinematic Universe


Redwing has a great fear of water, since she is horrid at swimming.


This character was created by Icey on

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