account_circle Overview
Name - What is Confucius Venatici’s full name?

Confucius Venatici

Age - How old is Confucius Venatici?


Gender - What is Confucius Venatici’s gender?




Other names - What other aliases does Confucius Venatici go by?

Conny, Connor, Zhihao

face Looks
Body Type

Lightly muscled, lean

Skin Tone

Fair with yellow undertones

Height - How tall is Confucius Venatici?


Eye Color - What is Confucius Venatici’s eye color?

Dark walnut

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Confucius Venatici have?

Light stubble, usually clean shaven

Hair Color - What color is Confucius Venatici’s hair?

Mouse brown with some lighter highlights around the top

camera Clothing
General aesthetic

Formal suits with ties

Colour schemes

A lot of navy and cream


Round wire glasses, a black digital wrist watch, and a silver ring on the middle finger of his right hand

ac_unit Powers/Abilities
Primary Powers

Chemical Pyrokinesis


The flames can’t be be put out with water


Using his powers will cause burns to appear on his skin that can only be healed through an elixir created using his own blood

shopping_basket Inventory
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
history Changelog
edit Notes
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Group chevron_right Members link linked Confucius Venatici

This character was created by Lee on

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