info Overview
Name - What is Leo Rache Davis’s full name?

Leo Rache Davis

Role - What is Leo Rache Davis’s role in your story?

Background Character

Other names - What other aliases does Leo Rache Davis go by?


Gender - What is Leo Rache Davis’s gender?


Age - How old is Leo Rache Davis?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Leo Rache Davis weigh?

187 lbs

Height - How tall is Leo Rache Davis?

5' 5"

Hair Color - What color is Leo Rache Davis’s hair?

dark brown, curly hair with pastel blue tips

Hair Style - How does Leo Rache Davis style their hair?

he usually leaves it to be messy, not really wanting to bother with it too much

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Leo Rache Davis have?

I don't think he's even capable of growing facial hair...

Eye Color - What is Leo Rache Davis’s eye color?

dark brown with pastel blue heterochromic flecks

Race - What is Leo Rache Davis’s race?

Western White

Skin Tone

He's p pale

Body Type

mesomorph, casual build

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Leo Rache Davis have?

Freckles, but he has a rubber duck tattoo on his ankle

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Leo Rache Davis have?

He's a nerd with a slight bit of a flirty side. Tends to be chill and lax, knowing he's got a peaceful life and deciding to take it in as much as possible. The worst he has to worry about is getting grounded for bad grades and he treasures that. A bit studious, anyhow, so being grounded for bad grades is a bit rare.

Motivations - What motivates Leo Rache Davis most?

His family- he wants to do good for his parents and younger sister.

Flaws - What flaws does Leo Rache Davis have?

He tends towards becoming very single-minded and overly focused. If he's studying or otherwise occupied, he will not stop unless he loses focus or finishes it. (Which then usually leaves him without something to do.)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Leo Rache Davis have?

He's got a natural dislike to anyone pretty- hypocrite- because he doesn't really trust it, much.

He's also not a big fan of people who are genuinely lazy and choose not to work.

Talents - What talents does Leo Rache Davis have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Leo Rache Davis have?

Alternative Clothes-Shopping
Adopting Friends
Going To Parties (When Allowed)

Personality type - What personality type is Leo Rache Davis?

Lax, kind



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Leo Rache Davis practice?


Politics - What politics does Leo Rache Davis have?

Pretty sure he's in the left side somewhere (where, idk- I'm not really into politics so...)

Occupation - What is Leo Rache Davis’s occupation?

N/A... ye t

Favorite color - What is Leo Rache Davis’s favorite color?

Pastel Blue- he's always loved his eyes.

Favorite food - What is Leo Rache Davis’s favorite food?

Plain cheeseburger

Favorite possession - What is Leo Rache Davis’s favorite possession?

One of those half-heart necklaces that his sister gifted to him when she went on a school field trip with their father as a guide. It's his greatest treasure and he would never lose it or give it away for anything.

Favorite weapon - What is Leo Rache Davis’s favorite weapon?

Brains > Brawn

Favorite animal - What is Leo Rache Davis’s favorite animal?


Favorite Flower

Yellow Roses

date_range History
Birthday - When is Leo Rache Davis’s birthday?

August 1st

Education - What is Leo Rache Davis’s level of education?

High-school, Junior Year

Background - What is Leo Rache Davis’s background?

He's just a happy lil' son. :)

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Leo Rache Davis have?

Dog named Gary

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by nicestpancake on

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