info Overview
Name - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s full name?

Bojana Millanova Markova

Other names - What other aliases does Bojana Millanova Markova go by?

Jana, Milla, Dr. Markova

Role - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s role in your story?

A empath psychologist, who wants nothing but happiness for others.

Age - How old is Bojana Millanova Markova?


Gender - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s gender?




“So, Who Are You?”

“Anything you need me to be. A friend, a sister, or just someone to give you advice.”

face Looks
Height - How tall is Bojana Millanova Markova?


Hair Color - What color is Bojana Millanova Markova’s hair?

Blue, originally Silver

Hair Style - How does Bojana Millanova Markova style their hair?

Long hair, straight, fringe

Eye Color - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s eye color?


Race - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Curvaceous, chubby

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Bojana Millanova Markova have?

A small crescent moon birthmark on her chest, floral tattoos on her thigh and constellation tattoos on her back.

fingerprint Nature

Bojana is one of the most kindhearted person one could ever meet. She's patient, friendly and incredibly understanding. She's extroverted, a great listener and always waits for others to speak first. When meeting someone new she's friendly, polite, and will try her best to get to know someone and make friends!

She connects, or at least has a deeper understanding, of people and their emotions. The feelings people endure almost mimics with her, and so finds herself being overly caring of others, even more so with people that are important to her. Becoming a psychologist and therapist was her best career choice when it came to utilizing her extreme empathy.

She is incredibly forgiving, and tries to understand multiple sides of the story. Even if the person has committed many wrongs and mistakes, no matter how bad, she will still try to understand the reasonings behind their motives, and why they do what they do. Although she may be forgiving, she does not excuse evil actions of bad people, and it doesn't mean she is forgiving on the behalf of a victim.

Talents - What talents does Bojana Millanova Markova have?

Although not quite a talent or moreso natural affinity, animals find Bojana comforting. There is no animal she has ever met that was afraid of her or was aggressive towards her. Perhaps they connect with her as an empath?

Being an empath, her talent is being able to tell how people feel. From subtle changes in their expressions or tone of voice to minor movements in body language, it makes it easier to read people, and connect to them with their feelings.

She began studying astronomy as a hobby, being able to tell constellations in the sky very easily! More points on the stars, she also learnt astrology and can often tell people's starsign just by speaking to them and getting to know them.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Bojana Millanova Markova have?

Bojana enjoyed astronomy when she was younger, but takes it far more seriously now after meeting her significant other, Byron Arkadin! He taught her how to read the stars, and even tell where she is by just looking at the night skies if there was ever a situation she was lost.

Astrology is more of a fun hobby she partakes in. Although she is a psychotherapist, she does love reading all about it - it's no harm done, and factual sciences doesn't stop her from enjoying these things.

Because she's working on her PhD to be a fully licensed therapist, she spends much of her time working on her thesis and studies. Her research paper topic is 'Analysis and Understanding of Uncommunicative Aliens'. She's writing on how to approach psychotherapy with aliens who have difficulty communicating, whether it's by language barriers or disability - she uses the word 'Alien' in the sense of foreigners and immigrants, but she has come to apply it to... literal, aliens.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Bojana Millanova Markova practice?

She was raised and Orthodox Christian, but is more interested in polytheistic religions involving spiritual beliefs.

Occupation - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s occupation?

A clinical psychologist in training.

Favorite color - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s favorite possession?

A preserved flower, from beyond.

Favorite animal - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Bojana Millanova Markova’s birthday?

February 10th


Kiev, Ukraine


Ukrainian, Russian (naturalization)

Known Languages

English, Russian

Education - What is Bojana Millanova Markova’s level of education?

She has a Master's degree in Psychology, and is currently working on her Doctorate.

device_hub Family
folder_open Likes / Dislikes

Stars, outerspace, nature, quiet suburbs, the beach, clear weather, music, making friends, lunch dates, parks, flora, mexican food, watching drama shows, successfully helping people, candles, baths


Turbulence, staying up late, beer, having to redye her roots every month, hospitals, city streets at night, rocky beaches, storms, people taking advantage of her

edit Notes

Voice claim: ??
Face claim: Sasha Belyaeva

Since she was young, Bojana knew that she always wanted to be a mom. One of the first few times she was asked what she wanted to be when she was older - she would say she wanted to be a mom!

She was adopted at a young age, but she can't recall why she was put in an adoption center. Bojana stayed where for 4 years and finally found a home at the age of six. She loves her adoptive parents very much, but does wonder whether or not she was orphaned, or who her biological parents were. She does forgive them though, if they were ever remorseful of their choice.

Criminal psychology is her weakest and least liked topic of psychoanalysis because of the fact it challenges much of her empathetic behavior and understanding. It's one of her biggest paradoxes.

Bojana was the first to forgive Boris after the discovery of him working for Warden. She was also the first to find out he came back for Jane; in fact she encouraged him to do so. When Boris tried to explain himself, she already knew his intentions were never that of evil - he really did once believe that Warden was trying to do good. For Bojana, keeping this secret from everybody was difficult because it affected them all... But she knew how to just from her job itself.

Her favorite place to sleep is in zero-gravity. She loves the feeling of floating in the air, and she often begs Byron to take her out into space when he travels... But much of his travels involve danger, so it's never as often as she hopes.

She got her constellation tattoos shortly after Byron told her he was half extra-terrestrial. She wanted the constellations his solar system's star was in.

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This character was created by Crybaby Suki on

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