info Overview
Name - What is Kenji Creed’s full name?

Kenji Creed

Gender - What is Kenji Creed’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Kenji Creed go by?

K (pronounced like 'kay').

Age - How old is Kenji Creed?

22 years old.

face Looks
Race - What is Kenji Creed’s race?


Eye Color - What is Kenji Creed’s eye color?

Pale blue.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kenji Creed have?


Hair Style - How does Kenji Creed style their hair?

Fluffy and thick, having grown a tad long.

Hair Color - What color is Kenji Creed’s hair?

Naturally dark brown, but currently is dyed black.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kenji Creed have?

Little scar on the right corner of his lip.

Weight - How much does Kenji Creed weigh?

177 lbs

Height - How tall is Kenji Creed?


Body Type

Slender and toned with a decent amount of muscle mass.

Skin Tone

Fair tone, but tends to get a faint tan around the summer time.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Kenji Creed have?

A decent manipulator.
Easily picks up on musical instruments (currently knows how to play the guitar, piano, and violin).
Decent at treating physical wounds.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kenji Creed have?

Much more of a night owl than a early bird (prefers going into town at night and drinking at a pub with some of his buddies).
Appears to be very relaxed to make himself seem much more approachable.

Motivations - What motivates Kenji Creed most?

Making a name for himself in a public way.

Flaws - What flaws does Kenji Creed have?

Does not seem to take many things seriously. Instead of dealing with his emotions in a healthy way, he will handle them by drinking or smoking to push the issues from his mind.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kenji Creed have?

People who find a problem with everything and reality checks.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kenji Creed have?

Playing and learning new instruments.
Hanging around with friends of his.
Overall causing a bit of trouble.

Personality type - What personality type is Kenji Creed?

He seems like a very superficial individual. Most people know him as the stereotypical "bad boy" type- someone who acts all tough, can handle a lot of drinks, and sleeps with many girls. While he does do some of those things at times, he is also a major empath and can feel for others very easily. He has a lot of unresolved trauma that he often covers up with humor and pride.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Kenji Creed’s favorite food?

Grilled chicken topped with various spices.

Favorite animal - What is Kenji Creed’s favorite animal?

Snakes (specifically the black rat snakes).

Favorite weapon - What is Kenji Creed’s favorite weapon?


Favorite possession - What is Kenji Creed’s favorite possession?

Various rings that used to belong to his parents.

Favorite color - What is Kenji Creed’s favorite color?

Deep navy color.

Occupation - What is Kenji Creed’s occupation?

Occasional worker at a small pub (has a friend whos parents own a pub, and they bartend there together occasionally)

Politics - What politics does Kenji Creed have?

Liberal, left leaning.

Religion - What religion does Kenji Creed practice?


info History
Education - What is Kenji Creed’s level of education?

While his general education is not the best, he makes up for it with street smarts.

Background - What is Kenji Creed’s background?

A summary is that he grew up with wealthy parents and nice things. Now, after being disowned, he lives with his grandparents and cousin at the apartment above their family owned pub.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Kenji Creed have?

A two year old, female black rat snake named Brazil (currently around 2-3 feet long, but can/will grow up to be 8 feet long).

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Sexuality: bicurious. He has only had short lived relationships with women but does think about branching out at times.


This character was created by Sage!! on

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