account_circle Overview
Name - What is Adeena of Caspa’s full name?

Adeena of Caspa

Other names - What other aliases does Adeena of Caspa go by?

Deena, Adeena, Adeena of Valla

Gender - What is Adeena of Caspa’s gender?


Age - How old is Adeena of Caspa?




face Looks


Hair Color - What color is Adeena of Caspa’s hair?

Golden blond

Hair Style - How does Adeena of Caspa style their hair?

Down, over the shoulder

Skin Tone


Eye Color - What is Adeena of Caspa’s eye color?

Dark violet

local_mall Outfits
fingerprint Nature
General Personality Traits

Kind, level-headed, prepared for anything

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Adeena of Caspa’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Adeena of Caspa’s favorite possession?

Her peacock-feather quill

account_balance Culture
bubble_chart Abilites
date_range History
Background - What is Adeena of Caspa’s background?

Grew up in Valla with her 6 sisters. Married Adam of Caspa when she was 18. Currently 4 months pregnant.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Adeena of Caspa appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Children link linked Adeena of Caspa

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Adeena of Caspa

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Adeena of Caspa

This character was created by Amelia on

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