info Overview
Name - What is Orion Cory Loran’s full name?

Orion Cory Loran

Other names - What other aliases does Orion Cory Loran go by?

Ori, lovey

Gender - What is Orion Cory Loran’s gender?

Non-binary, goes by they/them pronouns

Age - How old is Orion Cory Loran?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Orion Cory Loran weigh?

About 115 pounds

Height - How tall is Orion Cory Loran?


Hair Color - What color is Orion Cory Loran’s hair?

Dark red

Hair Style - How does Orion Cory Loran style their hair?

Usually Cory styles their hair in a bun

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Orion Cory Loran have?


Eye Color - What is Orion Cory Loran’s eye color?

Their left eye is a lighter blue than their right

Skin Tone

A dark tan

Body Type

Cory is thin but short for their age, with slim hips but somewhat wider shoulders

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Orion Cory Loran have?

Their freckles and the small scar above their upper lip

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Orion Cory Loran have?

Cory is actually very loud-spoken for their stature and looks, not afraid to stand up for theirself

Motivations - What motivates Orion Cory Loran most?

Being able to help others. They always do their best to help people and sometimes it backfires but they always try to work things out

Flaws - What flaws does Orion Cory Loran have?

Probably how loud-spoken they are. It can cause many people to get offended, since being as loud as Cory is usually frowned apon

Prejudices - What prejudices does Orion Cory Loran have?

That everybody should be able to be treated equally. They've believed this for a very long time, before they met or knew many people

Talents - What talents does Orion Cory Loran have?

Cory hates to admit it but they're actually really good at singing, having practiced whenever they were alone since they always had so much pent up energy and things to say. They also practice writing sometimes, wanting to be able to write their own songs

Hobbies - What hobbies does Orion Cory Loran have?

Singing, and writing as well

Personality type - What personality type is Orion Cory Loran?

Very loud-spoken and usually won't take no for an answer, always testing limits and trying to improve



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Orion Cory Loran practice?

Cory is an atheist, not really believing in Gods at all but willing to listen to others explain their own religion

Occupation - What is Orion Cory Loran’s occupation?

Cory doesn't have an occupation right now, but is very commited to becoming a singer and writing their own songs

Favorite color - What is Orion Cory Loran’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Orion Cory Loran’s favorite food?

Usually spicy things

Favorite possession - What is Orion Cory Loran’s favorite possession?

A notebook they write their songs in. They keep it on them at all times, and go absolutely crazy if they lose it

Favorite weapon - What is Orion Cory Loran’s favorite weapon?

A good 'ol can of pepper spray, but can punch pretty well

Favorite animal - What is Orion Cory Loran’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Orion Cory Loran have?


date_range History
Education - What is Orion Cory Loran’s level of education?

She's trying to get into college, and she has education all the way up to highschool

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

They live in Sun City

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Orion Cory Loran

This character was created by Panda Fuzz on

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