info Overview
Name - What is Charlotte Kide’s full name?

Charlotte Kide

Role - What is Charlotte Kide’s role in your story?

Adoptive Mother Figure

Other names - What other aliases does Charlotte Kide go by?


Gender - What is Charlotte Kide’s gender?


Age - How old is Charlotte Kide?


chat_bubble_outline Quotes
Famous Quotes

“Decisions were made!”
“Something has gone horribly wrong!”
“Mistakes were made”
“It is what it is”
“Strong work”

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

She had a very intense goth phase in middle school.

She was a saxophone player in band and was very good but music school burnt her out.

She has several tattoos and loves sunflowers.

Sh has a deep love for the military and is very proud of the fact that she knows all the lingo and can tell a military man from a mile away (that’s a slight exaggeration but you get the idea).

She also loves possums, raccoons, and definitely goats.


This character was created by Jonathan on

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