info Overview
Name - What is Melinda Stephens’s full name?

Melinda Stephens

Gender - What is Melinda Stephens’s gender?


Role - What is Melinda Stephens’s role in your story?

mercenary with a heart of gold; major char

Other names - What other aliases does Melinda Stephens go by?

Miel (Brisa's nickname for her)
Melinda Stevens

Age - How old is Melinda Stephens?


face Looks
Body Type

curvy, tall

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Melinda Stephens have?

prosthetic leg, below the knee

Height - How tall is Melinda Stephens?


Hair Color - What color is Melinda Stephens’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Melinda Stephens style their hair?

curly and short, afro

Eye Color - What is Melinda Stephens’s eye color?

dark brown

Skin Tone

dark brown

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Melinda Stephens have?

eager to solve problems quickly, so appears ruthless

Talents - What talents does Melinda Stephens have?

composing music, playing guitar
good memory
can pilot

Hobbies - What hobbies does Melinda Stephens have?

collects a book in every city they have an assignment in the language of that region
plays guitar (prefers acoustic, but plays electric)

Personality type - What personality type is Melinda Stephens?


Motivations - What motivates Melinda Stephens most?

justice-doesn't sit well with her job as mercenary

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Melinda Stephens have?

piles of papers and books in her bunk
random collections of souvenirs from jobs
snaps fingers to make spurts of fire when she's nervous
speaks in fragments, omits subject in casual speech

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Melinda Stephens’s favorite animal?


Religion - What religion does Melinda Stephens practice?

believes in karma

Politics - What politics does Melinda Stephens have?

intersectional feminist, fights for equality

Occupation - What is Melinda Stephens’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Melinda Stephens’s favorite color?

purple-dark, indigo, like the night sky

Favorite food - What is Melinda Stephens’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Melinda Stephens’s favorite possession?

music box?
electric guitar from her sister/brother

Favorite weapon - What is Melinda Stephens’s favorite weapon?

fire, C4

info History
Education - What is Melinda Stephens’s level of education?

B.A. in history? some humanities

Birthday - When is Melinda Stephens’s birthday?


Background - What is Melinda Stephens’s background?

lost her leg in a car accident, car exploded, originally fear of fire and explosions, but learned to control it
couldn't find a job, so joined Blaise to be a merc
later joined the FBI and Cam's team

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Melinda Stephens have?

a lizard and 2 dogs as a kid

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes


folder_open Abilities

control fire



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This character was created by Liz A S on

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